Ever wondered what it's like to become a master Assassin? Here's your chance to do exactly that. Here are the details for Assassin's Creed Nexus, including its release date, gameplay, and story.

Assassin's Creed Nexus VR Release Date: November 16, 2023

Assassin's Creed Nexus VR comes out on November 16, 2023. It will be available on the Meta Quest Platform, including the Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest 3, and the Meta Quest Pro. The game is not yet available for pre-purchase, but players can already wishlist the game.

Assassin's Creed Nexus VR Gameplay

We already talked about Assassin's Creed Nexus's gameplay, so let me summarize what players can expect from the game. As with most, if not all, of the games in the series, this game is a stealth-based role-playing game where players take control of an Assassin to carry out a variety of missions. This includes gathering information, tailing a target, and eventually, assassinating them.

Unlike other games in the series, which are in third-person mode, Nexus instead uses a first-person perspective, mainly due to it being a VR game. That means players will have to do all of the actions of an Assassin themselves. These actions, namely, are parkour, stealth, and combat.

Using the game's controllers, players will have to climb the game's large open urban environments. Players can scale huge walls, scurry along edges, and even take the famous leap of faith. After parkour comes stealth, which players will also have to do themselves. Players can physically sneak around in the game, ducking and crouch-walking to make their way from one crate to another. They can even blend in with other NPCs on the map to hide from their target.

Finally, there's combat. Players can use a variety of weapons in the game, including tomahawks, bows, and of course, the hidden blade. Players can block, parry, and even execute takedowns using the game's engaging and empowering combat system.

If you find yourself queasy at the thought of jumping from one building to another, don't worry. There will be a slew of comfort features that players can use to help make their VR gameplay comfortable.

Assassin's Creed Nexus VR Story

The game puts players in the shoes of not one, but three of the franchise's many assassins. Namely, players will be able to play as Ezio Auditore from Assassin's Creed and its follow-up games, Connor from Assassin's Creed 3, and Kassandra from Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. Players will be able to experience snippets of each of these protagonist's lives, as well as the missions that they had to carry out during their lives.

That's all the information we have for Assassin's Creed Nexus. Check out our gaming news articles for the latest in gaming news.