Sky Mavis, the developers behind Axie Infinity, announced on Twitter that they just enacted a game-wide Axie Infinity ban wave. The ban wave resulted in over 30,000 axies being banned overnight.

The announcement was first made on Discord–with the Twitter announcement coming after–featuring a screenshot of the Discord message. According to Sky Mavis, the banned axies were involved in accounts abusing the game's energy system. A player's earnings in the play-to-earn model in Axie Infinityis gate-capped by their energy, a consumable resource in game that scales based on the number of axies they own in an account. Energy manipulation includes playing in multiple accounts, among other things.

According to Sky Mavis, some of the abusers noticed the Axie Infinity ban wave happening in real-time. This led to them selling their axies at a very cheap price on the Axie Marketplace. Sky Mavis clarified that those axies still ended up getting banned in the end, even if they were purchased by another player at that point. Sky Mavis reassured these new owners that their axies will be restored to their accounts without them having to contact the Axie Infinity support team.

The large-scale removal of over 30,000 axies will surely affect the game's economy. However, it is unlikely that all of its perpetrators will be dissuaded. The accounts involved didn't end up getting banned, after all. They may return and try again next time, until then, another ban wave happens to take them all out.