Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) players and fans have found a new target for their thirst: Bakool Ja Ja from the game's latest expansion Dawntrail. Prepare for minor spoilers in this article.

Who is Bakool Ja Ja?

Let's start with the most important question: who is Bakool Ja Ja? Bakool Ja Ja is one of the claimants to the throne of Tural, participating in a contest designed to pick who will be its next ruler.

Unlike the other claimants, who are children (both blood and adopted) of the current ruler, Bakool Ja Ja instead won a place in the competition after proving his strength in a tournament.

Like the current ruler of Tural, Galool Ja Ja, Bakool Ja Ja is a two-headed Mamool Ja, the offspring of Hoobigo and Boonewa parents. The two heads give them mastery over both martial and magical arts, making them stronger than other Mamool Jas.

When players first meet him, he acts condescendingly towards those with only one head, which he believes to be below him. He truly believes that only he is fit to rule Tural, seeing how its current leader is also a two-headed Mamool Ja.

Due to the events of the Main Scenario Quest (which we will not go in-depth to avoid heavy spoilers), Bakool Ja Ja experiences a 180-degree turn in personality, with the end of the MSQ seeing him as a hero of sorts, one that is still getting used to the thank yous of those around him.

Why are people thirsting for Bakool Ja Ja?

There are numerous reasons why FFXIV players are thirsting for Bakool Ja Ja. One of the reasons is likely his character development. Seeing a character who was originally an asshole to those around him, even is retinue, develop and become someone who saves those around him is something that a lot of people find attractive.

Another possible reason is the fact that Bakool Ja Ja is a strong, muscular, hunk of a Mamool Ja, towering above even the tallest of Elezens and Vieras in-game. Various cutscenes in the game show off his strength and penchant for magic, particularly during the defense of Tuliyollal.

Lastly, it could be because of the fact that he has two heads. Yes, this may seem like a weird thing to be thirsty over, but that is not even the weirdest thing people have thirsted over in the game. What do you expect from players who have thirsted over Zodiark and Vauthry?

There are a lot of reasons why people could be thirsting for Bakool Ja Ja, but the real question is: who is behind all of the thirst?

Where did the thirst for Bakool Ja Ja start?

While we don't know who it was that first started thirsting for Bakool Ja Ja, we know who the most vocal one is at the forefront of all of this thirst: Bakool Ja Ja's Babygirl.

What started with posts about the Mamool Ja Breeder and the Mamool Ja Saddle eventually led to her changing her Warrior of Light's name in-game to Bakooljaja's Babygirl, a service that costs $10 to do.

She has not stopped since then, continuing to post numerous posts showing her love for Bakool Ja Ja, ranging from the cute to the questionable.

While Bakool Ja Ja's Babygirl (may her reign be long) is the most vocal (and likely the one you'll see a lot of), there are plenty of others who have been converted to thirsting for the two-headed Mamool Ja.

It's even gotten to the point where Bakool Ja Ja's voice actor, Javier Prusky, commented about the whole situation, thanking fans for all their support of the character.

And it gets even funnier when you realize that Prusky has also interacted with Bakool Ja Ja's Babygirl on X without her realizing it at first.

Not only that, but the official FFXIV X account has also acknowledged it (to some extent).

It's not all thirst-posting, however, as some FFXIV players have mentioned that the sheer amount of thirst posts has hidden the Dawntrail spoilers from view.

Whoever it was who started the thirst for our favorite two-headed Mamool Ja, we should all say thanks to Bakooljaja's Babygirl for inspiring us to keep on thirsting. We will have to wait and see where else this thirst will take her and us who are along for the ride.

That's all the information we have about the ongoing thirst for Bakool Ja Ja in FFXIV.

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