There has been a lot of talk about Damian Lillard's future with the Portland Trail Blazers, which is completely understandable considering how this team has added another wasted, playoff-less season under its belt.

Lillard has been a loyal servant to Portland throughout his entire career. In fact, one could argue that Dame has established himself as the most loyal superstar in the game today. Be that as it may, it appears that even Lillard himself has reached his limits.

In a recent interview with ESPN's Stephen A. Smith, Dame dropped yet another massive hint at his potential Portland exit this summer. According to Lillard, he's going to have a lengthy conversation with the organization about the steps they need to take in the immediate future:

“It ain't a threat. I ain't gonna say I'm putting them on the clock, I'm just saying if those things can't be done, (if) we can't do something significant like that then we won't have a chance to compete on that level,” Lillard said. “Not only will I have a decision to make, but I think the organization will too because at that point, it's like, ‘Are you gonna go young or are we gonna get something done?'”

You can clearly see how Lillard is being careful with his words, which somewhat speaks of his hesitation with regard to his current situation. At the end of the day, it feels like Damian Lillard wants to remain with the Blazers, but at the same time, he wants the team to commit to giving it another go this coming season.

“I think this is our most important offseason since I've been here,” he said.