After being in early access for a time, the recent INDIE Live Expo 2023 gave us more details about its release. Here are the details for Bokura, including its release date, gameplay, and story.

Bokura Release Date: August 10, 2023

Bokura will leave Early Access on August 10, 2023. The game is currently available on PC via Steam. It will be available on iOS, Android, and the Switch once the release date comes around. If you want to read about what we feel about Bokura, then you can read our review of the game.

Bokura gameplay

Bokura is a co-op sidescrolling platformer game. Players take control of one of two characters and must play the game with a partner. Players cannot play this game solo, nor can they make a computer play with them. The player must find a partner to play this game with. We will explain why in a moment.

This game has your typical platformer elements. From moving platforms to elevators, as well as ladders, bridges, and more. If you’ve played 2D puzzle platformers before, then Bokura’s gameplay should be very familiar to you. However, there is a catch to this.

After a certain part of the game, the levels will start appearing differently for each player. What looks like solid ground for one may actually be a pitfall for the other. What might appear to be a ladder for me may just look like thin air for my friend. This is why communication is important, as the players must properly convey to their partners what they see on the screen. You will have to work together to get through the game’s various obstacles and dangers.

Although the game currently has a Friend Pass system, this will no longer be the case once the full game comes out. A recent community post from the developers explained that since the game will have crossplay across all platforms, the Friend Pass system proved difficult to implement. As such, the team instead decided to half the game’s price on release, so that both players can buy the game and play it.

Bokura story

Bokura follows the story of two friends. In their boredom, they decided to blow up the statue of the city’s mayor, a major eyesore on the top of a mountain. On their way to blow it up, however, they encounter what appeared to be a dead animal. Both of the friends pass out from the smell. When they wake up, however, the world is no longer as it seems to be.

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