Lately, there have been debates about if NBA players would make it in the NFL, or the other way around, and Chicago Bulls star DeMar DeRozan spoke on the topic when he made an appearance on FanDuel TV, saying that he firmly believes a number of NBA players could make it in the NFL.

“When the debate first came out I had me and Alex Caruso always talk about different topics, so I sent it to him because I think Alex Caruso is a player I could see playing in the NFL,” DeMar DeRozan said on FanDuel TV. “So we had a back-and-forth you know, he was like, ‘no chance we got 30 players in the league,' I said, ‘man I could name about 10 right now that could play in the NFL what you mean?' We started going back and forth then you know he agreed with me. Then over the next couple days I started seeing everybody else comment and everything. I think basketball players could almost do anything if you give us 2-3 months to prepare for it. I'm just a firm believer in that, like give us two or three months, we could do anything possible. So I think we have about 20 people in our league that could play in the NFL.”

It is clear where DeRozan falls on the topic, and it would be interesting to hear the other names he believes could play in the NFL in addition to Caruso. This certainly will not be the last we hear of this debate, but DeRozan makes an interesting observation.

Lou Williams responds to DeMar DeRozan's take

In response to DeRozan, Lou Williams weighed in on the topic as well, saying he personally knows people who have tried to make it in basketball, then pivoted to football when they realized it was not going to work in basketball.

“I personally know guys who dedicated their lives to basketball all the way up until their senior year realized, ‘you know what? This not gonna work out. I'ma go out for the football team.'” Lou Williams said on FanDuel TV. “And they've made handsome livings in the NFL. You've never heard of a football player playing football all the way up until high school and say, ‘you know what? I'ma go hoop' and have an opportunity. That's all I'ma say. That should tell you everything you need to know about the two things. I respect NFL. I respect NBA, but when it comes to somebody being able to translate over to the other sport, I think it's more likely for a NBA player to translate to a football player than vice versa.”

It is not necessarily surprising to hear DeRozan and Williams have these takes as NBA players, and there will certainly