In the wake of the tragic death of George Floyd, Los Angeles Chargers head coach Anthony Lynn is appreciative of the statements he has seen released by other head coaches around the NFL and sports in general.
But he wants more.
“I’ve read some good statements,” said Lynn, according to LZ Granderson of The Los Angeles Times. “I read Brian Flores from the Dolphins and I agree 100 percent with him. I read Doc Rivers’ statement and those guys spoke from the heart. I think statements are needed to bring awareness to the situation. But I want to do something too. I don’t want to just put [a statement] out there because it’s the right thing to do. I want change, so I guess it starts with having this conversation and talking things out. In 1992 I remember watching L.A. burn and here we are in 2020 and I’m watching it again and it just hit me: nothing has changed.”
As for what exactly Anthony Lynn wants to do or thinks should be done? He isn't sure:
“I haven’t done anything to make this a better place for my son,” said Lynn. “I remember having the talk with him when he was 16 about how to handle police and then at age 30 I called him up and just had the talk with him again because I’m so scared. I want to do something, but to be honest with you, I don’t know what that is.”
Lynn is expressing what countless other people across the country feel right now, and it's completely understandable that he is essentially at a loss when it comes to knowing what actually needs to be done.
But one thing is for sure: Lynn—as well as everyone else—desires change. How we go about getting to that point remains to be seen, but the more people like Lynn speak up, the more likely it is that change will occur.