Cristiano Ronaldo, the captain of the Portuguese national team, is facing a challenging situation at Euro 2024, reported by GOAL. During Portugal's 2-1 win over Czechia, some observers suggested that Ronaldo's teammates might have deliberately avoided passing the ball to him. This allegation has sparked a significant debate about trust and team dynamics within the squad.

Portugal had to fight hard to secure their victory against Czechia in their opening match of Euro 2024. Cristiano Ronaldo, who started the game, had a quiet performance, failing to make a significant impact. Instead, it was the young substitute, Francisco Conceicao, who emerged as the hero, scoring the winning goal in stoppage time.

Cristiano Ronaldo's performance

Ronaldo's subdued display raised eyebrows, especially considering his reputation as one of the greatest footballers of all time. At 39 years old, the Al-Nassr forward is in the twilight of his career, and his influence on the pitch is being questioned.

Former England international Stuart Pearce was among those who noticed a potential issue. While commentating on the match, Pearce suggested that Ronaldo's teammates might not trust him enough to keep supplying him with the ball. He observed moments where Ronaldo showed himself as an option, but the ball wasn't passed to him.

What Pearce said

Pearce explained: “This might sound ridiculous, but maybe they don't trust Ronaldo enough to keep supplying him with the ball. There have been times in the game where he's shown to feet, and they've not popped the ball into his feet.”

Pearce highlighted a particular incident involving Bernardo Silva. He described how Silva had the ball in the center circle with Ronaldo peeling off into an inside-right position. In the past, Silva might have confidently passed the ball to Ronaldo, expecting him to score. However, on this occasion, Silva chose not to make the pass. Pearce found this decision “quite strange,” suggesting it might indicate a lack of trust in Ronaldo's abilities.

The situation with Ronaldo raises broader questions about the dynamics within the Portuguese team. Ronaldo has been the focal point of the squad for over a decade, but as he ages, the team might be evolving in a way that no longer revolves solely around him. This transition can be challenging, especially when a player of Ronaldo's stature is involved.

If Ronaldo's teammates are indeed losing trust in him, it could have significant implications for Portugal's performance in the tournament. A cohesive team is crucial for success, and any rifts or lack of trust can undermine their efforts on the field.

What's next for Ronaldo and Portugal

Despite his quiet performance, Ronaldo was still praised by Czechia's boss, Ivan Hasek, who called him a “genius.” Portugal's next challenge will be against Turkey, a team that impressed with a lively victory over Georgia in their opener. This match will be crucial for Portugal to solidify their position in the group and for Ronaldo to prove his doubters wrong.

Ronaldo's response to these allegations will be closely watched. Known for his resilience and determination, he will likely be motivated to show that he still has what it takes to lead his team. His performance against Turkey could be pivotal in changing the narrative and restoring trust among his teammates.

The accusations that Cristiano Ronaldo's teammates might be deliberately avoiding passing to him have added an intriguing subplot to Euro 2024. As Portugal prepares for their next match, the focus will be on how Ronaldo and his team navigate these challenges. For now, the debate continues, with fans and analysts eagerly waiting to see if the legendary forward can silence his critics and guide Portugal to glory.