In the latest Dota 2 patch, players can again kill the Dota fountain with a glitch. Here's how you can destroy the Dota 2 Fountain in 7.33.

Just like in most games, introducing big changes will most likely mean there will be big consequences. While there are larger repercussions introduced by Dota 2's 7.33 A New Frontier update, there's one that's definitely not intended by the developers: being able to destroy the Dota 2 Fountain.

In the old days of Dota, players can tank the enemy fountain's missile barrage and destroy it by attacking it with their right-click attack. However, Valve eventually introduced a restriction in Dota 2, making the Fountain invulnerable and making it not targetable by right-click attacks. However, it appears that while the Fountain is invulnerable and cannot be attacked directly, it still has a hidden HP value and could still, in fact, be destroyed.

In Patch 7.33, Valve introduced the concept of reflected damage in the game, most notably on the Tormentor neutral creep. Normally, taking down the Tormentor will require an entire party to beat, which is fair game since it drops the very valuable Aghanim's Shard. However, actually destroying the Tormentor takes a lot of effort and tankiness because it reflects all damage done to it to all units within a certain area around it.

So, what enterprising Dota 2 players did was teleport this Tormentor neutral creep to the enemy fountain. Since it's regarded as an “enemy,” the Fountain will automatically attack the Tormentor. However, due to the high damage of the Fountain, the Tormentor will actually get to destroy the Fountain before the Fountain is able to deal enough damage to kill it. This will render the Fountain useless and the enemy team will no longer be able to use it to heal HP and mana.

How do they do this? Well, one video demonstrates this by having the Hero Primal Beast use its ultimate on it, while the Hero Io tethers to Primal Beast and use its Relocate ability to bring Io and Primal Beast to the enemy base. Since Primal Beast, at the time of relocation, is holding the Tormentor with its Ultimate, the Tormentor ends up coming along for the ride. With this glitch, players are able to use this Dota 2 Fountain Bug to teleport the Tormentor to the enemy base, and have their Fountain attack it, only for the Fountain to end up destroyed thanks to the Tormentor's reflected damage.

We're sure that this Dota 2 Fountain Bug will be patched out soon with a hotfix just like any other glitch in Dota 2, but if Valve doesn't act soon, we might even end up seeing this exploit make an appearance in the Berlin Major. We're definitely seeing a rise in the pick rates of both Io and Primal Beast in pub games, though, so there are definitely many players trying to do this exploit to kill off the enemy team's Fountain!