Eden Hazard, the mercurial former Chelsea winger, proved that class is permanent during a recent training session for Qatar's forthcoming MatchForHope charity game. Despite opting for Nike Air Force trainers over conventional football boots, the 33-year-old Belgian maestro exhibited his trademark dribbling prowess, leaving spectators awestruck as he glided past four opponents before effortlessly finding the back of the net.

As Hazard and his teammates honed their skills ahead of the charitable fixture, the sight of the veteran forward effortlessly weaving through challenges stole the spotlight. With a composed finish, the audacious display underscored Hazard's enduring talent and unwavering commitment to supporting noble causes.

Among those left in disbelief was streamer Angry Ginge, who could only marvel at Hazard's wizardry. Fans, too, took to social media to express their amazement, with many lauding Hazard's ability to effortlessly dominate the pitch regardless of the circumstances.

Hazard's illustrious career inspires admiration, including a memorable stint at Chelsea, where he etched his name into the club's history books. Hazard's impact on the game is undeniable, with six major trophies, including two Premier League titles, to his name during his time in England.

Despite announcing his retirement from professional football last October, Hazard's love for the beautiful game remains undiminished. His participation in charitable endeavors like MatchForHope is a testament to his desire to give back to the community that has embraced him throughout his career.

As Hazard readies himself to grace the pitch once again, albeit in a philanthropic capacity, football fans worldwide eagerly anticipate witnessing more magic moments from one of the sport's most cherished talents. In an era of fleeting brilliance, Eden Hazard's enduring legacy continues to shine brightly, illuminating the hearts of fans and inspiring future generations of footballing stars.