Fayetteville State is reporting record growth across the institution, per a report published by the institution. The university has seen a spike in freshman enrollment, reporting that 800 first-year freshmen started their Bronco journey in August. The freshman enrollment number of 800 is the highest it's been since the 2007 school year. The institution also boasts a 78% student retention rate, a 14% increase from the 2020 school year in which the university retention rate was 63%.

Fayetteville State has been a hub for service-based learners, reporting that they've enrolled over 2,168 military-affiliated students. This is the second consecutive year that the Broncos have enrolled over 2,000 to military-connected students and their families, attributing it to their free tuition scholarship program for these students.

Fayetteville State Chancellor Darrell T. Allison believes that the institution is seeing their efforts to spur sustained growth paying off.

“I believe that FSU is starting to see the fruits of its labor, as we have worked tirelessly to remove considerable obstacles to education, such as cost, while also ensuring that students remain and obtain their degree in 4 years or less.”

Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr. Monica T. Leach added, “Fayetteville State is a driving force in the Sandhills and beyond for affordable, accessible, flexible, quality education. It's one thing to get students here but another strategy to keep students here. Our retention rates hit a historic high this semester. I am extremely proud that nearly 300 returning students have re-enrolled at FSU this year. We are thrilled to see so many new and returning students on campus this fall, particularly in the residence halls, which are at 100% capacity for the first time in several years.”