Some fans believe that Final Fantasy 9 never had the love it deserves to have. That's why some devs have started the FFIX Memoria project. Final Fantasy IX Memoria is basically Final Fantasy 9 Remastered with modern graphics. Who wouldn't want that?

Check out the trailer that a team of passionate devs made:

This is FFIX Memoria, a passion project made by developers within the industry from different unrelated companies. Using modern game engines and tools, the devs painstakingly remade the game's entire opening scene. It's dazzling, an amazing work of art, making us feel excited for what could be. Meanwhile, SQUARE ENIX doesn't seem to have any plans to remake Final Fantasy IX anytime soon, so this project is a great way to get the ball rolling.

Sadly, FFIX Memoria is nothing but a proof of concept. “Final Fantasy IX: Memoria Project is a non-playable passion project led by a team of professional developers and artists in the video game industry that aims to reimagine what the legendary game would look like if it was remade with modern graphical capabilities,” the devs' website reads. “Final Fantasy IX is near and dear to our hearts, and this non-profit love letter is being created as a tribute to the masterpiece that is the 2000 original. We hope you enjoy our take and re-experience that whimsical charm that made the world of Gaia so captivating.”

We could only hope that SQUARE ENIX would get these people on board to actually work on a Final Fantasy 9 Remake, with the same treatment they've given Final Fantasy 7. More or less. To learn more about the FFIX Memoria Project, you can check them out here.