After over 250 days with the AEW International Championship, Orange Cassidy entered through the Forbidden Door at Forbidden Door with his greatest challenge yet, a Fatal Fourway to decide the fate of his strap against the Ring of Honor Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata, the New Japan Pro Wrestling Television Champion Zack Sabre Jr., and Daniel Garcia of the JAS, who just so happens to be the PWG Champion, even if Excalibur and company never mentioned that on commentary.

On paper, this really looked like the kind of match Cassidy could lose with his head held high, as everyone was gunning for his strap, and he didn't have to be pinned to lose it, but, as Matt Hardy once said on his podcast, The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy, Tony Khan has the same love for OC that Vince McMahon had for The Undertaker, and that love kept the least probably championship reign in professional wrestling alive moving forward.

Working against some of the best technical wrestlers on the planet, this match was really the Garcia-Shibata show, as “The Sports Entertainer” really wants to be the ROH Pure Champion once more, and “The Wrestler” has proven yet again that Chris Jericho's pupil just isn't ready for the opportunity. After watching Shibata lay out Garcia with a PK, Cassidy rolled into the ring and laid out the pride of Buffalo for the 1-2-3, stealing the pin with a crucifix, much to the dismay of ZSJ, who demanded a rematch one-on-one.

Will OC ever lose his title? Eventually, sure, but for now, it's clear AEW has huge faith in the “King of Sloth Style” and wants to make him their workhorse heading into All In. Freshly squeezed forever.