Genshin Impact Version 3.4 not only introduces new playable characters, but also new enemies and a World Boss.

All information below were not released through official channels and should be taken with a grain of salt.

Genshin Impact 3.4 New Enemies

Wind-Bitten Sandworm

“An eyeless predator from deep within the Great Red Sand that uses sound and vibrations to seek out its prey.

Legend has it that in the ancient past before even the concept of time was created, these creatures thrived with their progenitors and offspring in a land of verdant grass and colossal trees, traversing through slick soil like fishes diving through the wet.

With the passage of eons, the gifts of heaven has long reduced the soils to sand, rendering a great many creatures extinct. This branch of their genus was able to survive by adapting more toward earth-based living, and became known as the “sandworms.”

Some desert folk still mistakenly believe that sandworms are the final point of a quicksand eel’s life cycle, likely due to superficial similarities between the species’ behaviors.”

The first monster to be added to Teyvat is the Wind-Bitten Sandworm, an all-new World Boss that you can challenge once the Sumeru map expands one more time in Genshin Impact 3.4.

“An apex predator deep in the desert that can use the power of Anemo to a certain extent, which can allow it to leave the ground when in combat and enter a floating state. While floating, it can fire Windbite Bullets. If these bullets are not destroyed in time, Windbite Bullets will be converted into a high-density curtain of such bullets. Attacks from elements that may react with Anemo can destroy Windbite Bullets, which will temporarily decrease the corresponding Elemental RES of the Wind-Bitten Sandworm. After 2 Windbite Bullets are destroyed in succession, the Wind-Bitten Sandworm will be brought down from its floating state.”

It will drop the following:

  • Vayuda Turquoise Sliver
  • Vayuda Turquoise Fragment
  • Vayuda Turquoise Chunk
  • Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone
  • Pseudo-Stamens

These drops are accompanied by the usual Artifact Sets. The Pseudo-Stamens are the Character Ascension Item for Alhaitham.

“The pale wing-sheathes hiding in a sandworm’s tail are as thin as the blooming stamens of a flower.

It is said that in the past, even before the beginning of time, they used to travel through the moist land under meadows and forests, similar to birds flying across the sky and fish swimming in the water. It is generally believed that their mimicry of flowers is to lure lost prey caught by sandstorms. There is also a theory, however, that their imitation of a blooming flower was inspired by the splendid blossoms countless epochs ago, which have long gone the way of the desert winds.”

Eremite Floral Ring-Dancer (Ring Bladed Snake-Dancer)

“A person hailing from the loosely-organized mercenary bands of the desert. They will work for anyone as long as the pay is good.

The children of the desert have a rich tradition of song and dance. Originally used to praise and serve the gods, the crafts were later adapted for battle and the seduction of kings. Many tales of the sands feature dancers who murdered kings relaxed in their beds or standing atop high towers. Even though all such gods and kings have now faded into the flowing sands, the memory of dance yet persists in the desert-dwellers’ veins.

Ominous, fragmented spirits are sealed within the weapons they use, awakening in moments of peril. Once these weapons awaken, they can only be silenced by the cries of the vanquished — whether that be their wielders or their wielders’ foes.”

“This dancer may be found in one of the many scattered mercenary groups that hail from the desert. She will unleash the Spirit of Omen: Dendro Spirit-Serpent contained within her weapon to fight alongside her after taking a certain amount of damage. This will cause her to enter an Infused Form. If the Spirit-Serpent is defeated, she will enter a weakened state for a fixed amount of time thereafter.”

Eremite Scorching Loremaster (Augury of the Foretold Flame)

“A person hailing from the loosely-organized mercenary bands of the desert. Even though they will work for anyone as long as the pay is good, they will never forget their roots in the Great Red Sand.

After the collapse of its civilizations, the stories of the desert were passed down generation after generation in oral tradition just like the sparks in the wind and the rain in the clouds. As time passed, some stories were lost while others survived, albeit with significant changes.

“The Eremites” is the umbrella term given to the tribes of the desert by those too ignorant or disdainful to learn the tribes’ myriad differences. Within those referred to as the Eremites, many have also indeed already forgotten the tales of the desert. Fear not, however, for those who still remember will never betray the spirit of the sands yet flowing through their veins.”

“This oracle may be found in one of the many scattered mercenary groups that hail from the desert. She will unleash the Spirit of Omen: Pyro Scorpion contained within her body. This will cause her to enter an Infused Form. If the Scorpion is defeated, she will enter a weakened state for a fixed amount of time thereafter.”

Blessbone Red Vulture (The Burning Devourer)

“A scavenging bird of prey that has mutated after feeding from greater lifeforms.

The greater lifeforms devoured by Blessbone Beasts often have nigh-immortal consciousness that can never be fully silenced or eradicated. The very power and consciousness gained by Blessbone Beasts devouring these lifeforms will, in turn, drive them to seek more violence and carrion.”

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“A scavenger bird that was warped and transformed by its consumption of the body of mighty life-form. During combat, it will enter the powerful Phagocytic form. Some of its attacks will unleash Phagocytic Energy Blocks. Use the corresponding elemental attacks to destroy these Energy Blocks to absorb the power within them, which can then be unleashed when attacking the Blessbone Red Vulture, dealing significant DMG and paralyzing the creature temporarily.”

Blessbone Scorpion (The Fulgurous Devourer)

“An arthropod that has mutated after feeding from greater lifeforms.

Lifeforms are governed by the laws of evolution, Blessbone Beasts exploited these rules by being fortunate enough to discover a long-dead carcass of a greater being before any of their competition ever did. Animals and humans often have far more in common than the latter is willing to acknowledge.”

“An arthropod that was warped and transformed by its consumption of the body of mighty life-form. During combat, it will enter the powerful Phagocytic form. Some of its attacks will unleash Phagocytic Energy Blocks. Use the corresponding elemental attacks to destroy these Energy Blocks to absorb the power within them, which can then be unleashed when attacking the Blessbone Scorpion, dealing significant DMG and paralyzing the creature temporarily.”

Blessbone Flying Serpent (The Whirling Devourer)

“A reptile that has mutated after feeding from greater lifeforms.

Though now imbued with the power of elemental manipulation, the Blessbone Beasts themselves still cannot fully digest the pieces of flesh they devoured from the immortal carcasses that they ate. Instead, the pieces slowly fused with the beasts themselves, weaving a bony shell over their body, one that shares a similar composition to a certain type of smelting material from Inazuma.”

“A crawling creature that was warped and transformed by its consumption of the body of mighty life-form. During combat, it will enter the powerful Phagocytic form. Some of its attacks will unleash Phagocytic Energy Blocks. Use the corresponding elemental attacks to destroy these Energy Blocks to absorb the power within them, which can then be unleashed when attacking the Blessbone Flying Serpent, dealing significant DMG and paralyzing the creature temporarily.”