While the above title may seem like a rather comical heading apt for a more humorous write-up, Atlanta Hawks rookie Trae Young's fear of birds is anything but funny.

Ornithophobia is a type of phobia characterized by the irrational and abnormal fear of birds. It is a kind of mental condition that Young is apparently suffering from. This was detailed by Jackie MacMullan in her piece for ESPN.

“Trae Young is deathly afraid of birds, so naturally the Oklahoma State fans held up pictures of pigeons while he shot free throws,” wirtes MacMullan.

Fortunately for Young, he had the help of Brett Ledbetter, an authority on the psychological aspect of the sport, in addressing his fear by channeling it out. They went a step further by also preparing for the criticisms and insults that go hand-in-hand with being a basketball star.

“He learned by working with [Young's Ledbetter] how to block out such distractions and ignore the taunts of ‘You're too small!' that permeated visiting arenas.”

Nonetheless, there were still some instances that could overcome even the most meticulous of groundwork.

“Still, he admits the vicious chants of ‘F— you, Trae Young!' awaiting him at Texas Tech, where his father, Ray, was once a basketball star, were a bit unnerving.”

Young is not exactly the most-loved rookie in the NBA today, and he will definitely get his fair share of jeers and heckling. Hopefully, he has prepared himself mentally for this inescapable aspect of the game as much as he has with the physical side.