The closed beta test for Marvel Rivals is coming this July. NetEase will make this beta more accessible to players by inviting more than the initial player count during the alpha test. Having that said, it's likely that fans who weren't able to participate last May are dying to get their hands on the game before it launches in 2025. Thankfully, all that is possible if one acts quickly.

Here's how to sign up for the Marvel Rivals closed beta.

Marvel Rivals Closed Beta – How to Sign Up

There are a couple of ways to sign up for the closed beta test depending on what platform one is playing on.

For PC players, they simply need to do the following:

  • Open Marvel Rivals' store page on Steam
  • Add Marvel Rivals to their wishlist

Take note that this won't guarantee a slot in the closed beta. Also, it won't matter how early one adds the game to their wishlist. It'll all be up to NetEase how they plan on selecting the new participants.

As for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S users, unfortunately, they'll need to take a few extra steps when signing up for the closed beta. There's a questionnaire they need to fill out via Marvel Rivals' official Discord server.

Same as signing up on PC, filling out the questionnaire won't guarantee a slot in the closed beta test. The developers will prioritize alpha test players before adding new players for the beta.

Nevertheless, if one doesn't end up participating in the Marvel Rivals closed beta test, it won't be too disappointing. Fans will still be able to catch their favorite participating content creator to either stream the game or upload videos about it.

What to Expect from the Marvel Rivals Closed Beta Test

Marvel Rivals' closed beta is set for July 2024. Based on feedback from content creators and alpha players, NetEase plans to introduce new features and changes. The game will now support multiple languages, including English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, and Traditional Chinese. To enhance the playing experience, additional regions will be added alongside the existing servers in North America, Europe, and Asia.

Console players will join the closed beta, enabling cross-play with PC players. New features include a ban system for ranked and special event modes, where Galacta will grant favors or ban certain heroes. The Past Lives system will allow players to replay their deaths, helping them learn from their mistakes. Lastly, a skill-based matchmaking system will be implemented to ensure fair gameplay, with reduced chances of encountering smurfs during the closed beta.

In addition to these new features, Marvel Rivals' closed beta will introduce new playable heroes and maps. Adam Warlock and Venom will join the roster, bringing the total to 21 playable heroes.

Here's a full list of all other heroes during the alpha test:

  • Black Panther
  • Doctor Strange
  • Groot
  • Hela
  • Hulk
  • Iron Man
  • Loki
  • Luna Snow
  • Magik
  • Magneto
  • Mantis
  • Namor
  • Peni Parker
  • Punisher
  • Rocket Raccoon
  • Star-Lord
  • Storm
  • Scarlet Witch
  • Spider-Man

NetEase is also adding a new map to the game. Previously, players had access to three maps during the alpha test: Yggsgard: Yggdrasill Path, Yggsgard: Royal Palace, and Tokyo 2099: Shin-Shibuya. The closed beta will feature an additional map, Tokyo 2099: Spider-Islands.

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