A new video was just released featuring Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds as they go out and about to promote Deadpool & Wolverine on a press tour. And…it's quite funny.

Marvel Studios' hilarious new clip shows the stars and director Sawn Levy in Shanghai. The 30-second video shows a giant inflated Deadpool with the Chinese city skyline in the background.

Additionally, there is an illustrated picture of Wolverine. And that's where it starts…

Promo tour for Deadpool & Wolverine

Jackman, wearing a polo shirt, is seen taking a selfie of himself and the drawing, seemingly happy with how it's looking by smiling and saying, “Yes!”

From there, the camera pans out, and you see Ryan Reynolds wearing sunglasses.

“This is the first time Hugh's handlers have ever let him outside,' Reynolds says. Meanwhile, you can still see Jackman staring at his phone and continuing with selfies in the background.

“He's never been in the sun before, and he's never touched electronics,” Reynolds continues.

“What? What did you say?” Jackman responds, putting his phone down — seemingly angry.

“Nothing. I was just saying that…” Ryan continues before being interrupted by Hugh, who says, “What?”

“You're so tall, so handsome,” Reynolds adds, as Jackman then starts to run after him. Ryan then runs out of view from the camera, being chased by the Wolverine star.

Next, director Levy comes in with a clapperboard, sighing.

“CUT!” he yells, obviously frustrated.

In Chinese, the title screen for Deadpool & Wolverine then appears.

The movie has been marketing itself very well, with bits and pieces from the actors and studios appearing on social media throughout the past year. All the effort seems to be paying off, even though the movie hasn't come out yet.

THR reports that Deadpool & Wolverine is tracking for a record $ 160M-$165M debut. This is for when it opens over the July 26-28 weekend. This would make for the biggest start for a film this year and a major boost to the MCU.

The first Deadpool movie opened to $133.7 million domestically in February 2016, the highest opening for a film with an R-rating. It was soon followed by Deadpool 2, which debuted at $125.5 million.

Considering the lackluster superhero movies recently, this could revamp the whole genre.

Ryan Reynolds was skeptical that Deadpool would be made again

Reynolds told Entertainment Weekly that he didn't know if Deadpool would ever happen.

“I didn't know if I'd ever be playing Deadpool again,” he said. “It's not something I would've said necessarily publically, but I didn't know how a character like that would fit into that world [of the MCU].”

Feige added, “The notion that, all these years later, we're in a world where [Jackman] is Wolverine, and Deadpool and all of those X-Men characters are together under the same roof, is a pretty amazing quarter-of-a-century experience.”

Deadpool & Wolverine hits theaters on July 26.