Genshin Impact Fun fact: you can make an ice bridge using cryo freezing abilities to reach Inazuma, but it takes some bugs and glitches to do so.

Genshin Impact players are among the most dedicated of players out there. If they set their eyes towards a goal, they'd eventually reach it. However, players cannot go against the will of the developers. At least, not all of the time.

Is it possible to make an ice bridge to reach Inazuma in Genshin Impact?

In a video posted on Youtube and Reddit by Youtuber Ranak Neogi, the content creator showcased what many thought was impossible. Genshin Impact Beta testers and dozens of players tried to create an ice bridge from Liyue to Inazuma. Usually, this is done by forming a multiplayer party of cryo-users, taking turns in using their freezing abilities to make a cryo bridge to the Nation of Eternity.

Genshin Impact developers miHoYo made sure that this won't be possible. Usually, halfway through your ice bridge, a scripted event happens. A terrible storm waylays your character and teleports you back to where you come from, making it impossible to cross the ocean through this method.

However, Neogi and partner Chii attempted this with just a party of two. Chii switches between Qiqi and Kaeya, while Neogi used Kaeya and Ayaka. They take turns using their freezing abilities. However, unlike everyone else playing Genshin Impact, the scripted event bugged out. Chii still got their character teleported back to Liyue, but Neogi was able to complete the trip on her own.

Chii teleported to Inazuma and met Neogi at the shoreline. They also almost failed- Neogi slipped off the ice path and fell to the water, and the ice bridge melted before they managed to come back. Thankfully, the shoreline was within swimming distance at this point, allowing them to complete their Genshin Impact ice bridge to Inazuma challenge.