Being an NBA player is not an easy task. On the surface, it seems as if these guys simply show up and play every other night, but there are a lot of things they also have to take care of.

Most have families, they do community activities, they have to practice, and they need to answer some questions to the media. A lot of people wants to hear what NBA players have to say during this media availability time, or that is what we thought. In the latest episode of the NBA podcast Open Floor by Andrew Sharp and Ben Golliver, the former described an awkward situation between Buddy Hield and the media this past All-Star weekend.

Golliver said:

“During the practice availability, they had the guys (NBA players) come in shifts. So, all of the Saturday night guys came as the first shift, and then Team Lebron was coming in at the second shift. They had 12 numbered stage setups for all the guys. So Buddy Hield was set up to be at the number four station. And for whatever reason, this huge swarm of media members just started surrounding Buddy Hield for his talk. And there's like two or three questions […] and then it pretty much goes silent. It is supposed to be like a 15 or 20-minute interview…”

At this point, Hield did not know why the reporters were not asking any questions and told them:

“Are you guys shy or something? Why aren't you asking me any questions?”

After this awkward moment, one of the reporters told Hield:

“Dude, LeBron's gonna talk here in about 45 minutes at the same station, we're just standing here waiting for LeBron.”

Golliver described Hield's reaction saying:

“The look on Buddy Hield's face of realization and recognition was just so painful.”

The second-year player did not deserve that, but the media has to be honest. At least they were doing their jobs.