Superstar NA Mid Laner Nicolaj “Jensen” Jensen has chosen to remain with Team Liquid. The official Team Liquid Twitter put the word out that Jensen will not be taking his talents to another team.

Jensen was a latter addition to the revamped Team Liquid outfit. The NA squad famously always finished in fourth place prior to the league's restructuring into a franchise-based league. TL found respectable success following their roster overhaul with veterans such as Jake “Xmithie” Puchero and Yilliang “Doublelift” Peng manning key positions. Jensen joined the team to take the place of exiting Mid Laner Eugene “Pobelter” Park.

The Mid Laner's addition to the team was soon followed by world champion Jo “CoreJJ” Yong-in joining the lineup. The team has since found monumental success with a star-studded cast, winning four local titles in the process. The All-Star Team Liquid could not last however as several members chose to play for other teams. Yet despite the abrupt change in roster, the team still operated with two former world champions and Jensen as their crucial players. Team Liquid has since been a consistent presence in the NA League of Legends scene but has yet to find success internationally. They most recently finished in 9th-12th place in the recently-concluded 2020 League of Legends World Championship.

Fans were elated when news broke out about Jensen's contract renewal.

Jensen stands above all the Mid Laners especially since the retirement of the legendary Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg. Team Liquid will surely continue to be a threatening presence in the League of Legends Championship Series with Jensen manning Mid Lane.