The incoming League of Legends Patch 12.9 will be a relatively smaller patch, according to Lead Designer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison. He tweeted a preview of the incoming patch, along with the reasoning behind the light patch.

The reduction of overall damage in League of Legends, with the ultimate goal of prolonging fights and increasing skill expression, is coming sooner than expected. In Riot Phroxzon's tweet, it seems this huge gameplay change is arriving on Patch 12.10, which is only a little under a month away. Lead Gameplay Designer Bryan “Axes” Salvatore took to Reddit last week to talk about it, but nobody thought it'd come this soon. Riot Phroxzon even teased an upcoming Riot developer blog post possibly detailing the changes to come later this week.

Keep in mind that Patch 12.9 is not the patch that the upcoming Mid-Season Invitational will be played on. The international tournament will instead be on Patch 12.8. As mentioned, this patch won't be a big one, but that doesn't mean it's not exciting. Both the Olaf and Taliyah mini-reworks are present in this patch.


  • Hecarim
  • Varus
  • Braum
  • Thresh


  • Rengar
  • Master Yi
  • Nidalee
  • Ahri
  • Renata Glasc
  • Sion
  • Hullbreaker


  • Olaf
  • Taliyah
  • Pyke
  • Renekton

“In light of the upcoming durability changes, we're going light on balance changes in this patch. The 12.10 changes are intended to increase durability, which has a greater effect on burstier champions. We're holding off on adjusting most of those champions this patch as a result,” Phroxzon said in a follow up Tweet.

Surely enough, there are only a few assassins lined up for changes this time. Hopefully the upcoming dev blog this week shines more light on what to expect for patch 12.10.

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