The finale of Loki season 2 has made it a standout in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But there's a lingering question; is it over for him?

As Loki attempts to save the TVA, timelines and his friends, he discovers his glorious purpose. Ultimately changing not only his character arc but the whole plot of the multiverse.

If recalled, Loki gains control of time slipping, allowing him to travel throughout space and time. His initial attempts to prevent the Temporal Loom's explosion fail. He Who Remains, then, reveals that the Temporal Loom is a failsafe for the Sacred Timeline. Loki's only options are letting timelines die, except the Sacred Timeline, or killing Sylvie before she kills He Who Remains.

Unable to decide, Loki revisits a moment when Mobius interrogates him. Mobius explains that TVA's actions aim to protect people, acknowledging the emotional toll it takes. Loki then visits Sylvie, who refuses to let him kill her. Loki realizes he must replace the Temporal Loom with something better.

In a bold move, Loki replaces himself with Victor Timely, destroying the Temporal Loom. He transforms into the God of Stories, holding the timelines together. Loki is left alone but oversees his family and friends forever.

The revived TVA monitors Kang variants, Mobius leaves, and Sylvie joins Loki. The scene shifts to Renslayer, waking up in the Void, as Alioth approaches. The finale concludes with Mobius, Sylvie, and Loki, each with their own paths.

Loki's future in the MCU

Finally—Loki's transformation into the God of Stories has significant implications for the MCU, as he takes He Who Remains's place. This positively shapes the timeline's future.

Now, is Loki finished? While more clarity may emerge soon, there's a strong argument that this is the intended conclusion the Marvel team aimed for. Loki achieves his ultimate goal, albeit not in the way he anticipated or for the exact purpose he vocalized. He continues to exist, and although he could potentially make his presence felt, the show provides a satisfying endpoint. The Multiverse he establishes leaves room for another Loki variant to appear and stir up some mischief.

Loki also left a group of people who meant more to him than perhaps anyone in Asgard, even surpassing his connection with Frigga (Rene Russo). These relationships drove his sacrifice and shaped the countless eons of isolation he has likely endured. His solace lies in the fact that they all endured and survived.

For the time being, Loki's future in the MCU is uncertain. But his new role allows him to observe and potentially influence events, alone on a humble throne. And carrying the weight of a genuinely glorious purpose as the ending he was always meant to discover.