When the voice actors for the Super Mario Bros. movie were announced back in 2021, people understandably had mixed reactions about the casting. Now, a year later, we received our first teaser for the movie, and mixed reactions remain. Keep reading to learn more about the Super Mario Bros. movie trailer, as well as how fans reacted to it.

The Super Mario Bros. Movie is one the most anticipated movies in recent times, although not for normal reasons. When the casting was first announced, people were understandably skeptical about it. No one expected Chris Pratt to voice the well-loved plumber. What irked others is that Mario's original voice actor, Charles Martinet, is also in the movie, but not as Mario. Chris Pratt promised before that his voice will be “Unlike anything you've heard in the Mario world“, but fans begged to differ.


The disappointment is visible in a lot of fans. The fact that Mario just sounded like Pratt talking was a common theme in most of the Tweets online. Some fans noted that Pratt brought nothing new to the table. Of course, there are some people who say that passing judgment at this time is a little too early.


While I agree that it is too early to tell how Pratt's Mario in the movie will do, it's already not looking too good. Mario's voice is very iconic since we first heard it back in 1992. Because of this, Pratt has some pretty large shoes to fill. Sadly, it appears his feet may be too small at the moment.

On the other side of the spectrum, however, we have almost everyone fawning over Jack Black's depiction of Bowser.

Black's performance as Bowser in the trailer matched what Bowser would sound like in my head, and a lot of people agree. Some even go so far as to say that Black's voice for Bowser is going to carry the movie. To be honest, I find myself agreeing with this, as Black sounds like he really put in the effort in his role. Of course, we can't really pass complete judgment until the movie comes out next year. Let's just hope that Pratt finds the inner Italian plumber in him.

That's all we have for the Super Mario Bros. movie trailer. The movie comes out on April 7, 2023, in North America and on April 28, 2023, in Japan.