Games will be canceled to begin the season because Major League Baseball has been unable to negotiate an agreement to terminate the current lockout. According to MLB commissioner Rob Manfred, the first two series of the season have been canceled, and politician Bernie Sanders is furious.

Bernie Sanders took to Twitter and had this to say about the MLB lockout,

“The 30 Major League Baseball owners are worth over $100 billion. The value of their teams increased by more than $41 billion since they bought them. Mr. Manfred: End the lockout. Negotiate in good faith. Don’t let the greed of baseball owners take away our national past time.”
This is simply a bad look for Major League Baseball, and if they don’t handle this situation quickly, they will lose a significant number of fans and supporters.

Major League Baseball already does a poor job of marketing the game to a younger audience, and with the lockout set to continue, that audience will be harmed even more.

When politicians give their thoughts about the MLB and speak about issues like this, you know it’s a huge concern.

Not only have politicians and other famous individuals expressed their opinions about the current lockout, but many of baseball’s best players have also expressed their displeasure with the league’s owners for their failure to end it.