Amazon Game Studios delays New World once again. The MMORPG was initially scheduled to release back in May 2021. The release date was eventually pushed further to August 2021. Now, this August, the developers announced that New World will officially launch come September 28, 2021. 

The reason behind the delay is simply because the developers want to ensure the smoothest gameplay possible. Amazon Game Studios received lots of feedback from the participating players during the closed beta. After thoroughly analyzing New World players' criticisms, the devs decided to listen to the players. Amazon mentioned that they’ll be using the feedback to further improve the game before launch. 

Several streamers participated in New World’s closed beta. A few YouTubers mentioned that New World has an impeccable crafting system. However, they found the game’s questline a bit lackluster. The PvE felt very repetitive to them since AI enemies didn’t have their own unique move sets. In terms of PvP, New World delivers awesome gameplay, making it feel like the game's combat system is built around this feature. This is felt most especially in the open-world PvP wherein players can interact and attack other players within the area. 

It’s no surprise that these streamers commended New World’s PvP since it’s originally intended to be a PvP game. At least now we have an idea of what Amazon plans on improving within the game. Hopefully, by the time the game launches, we’ll finally get to experience a better PvE mode and quest storyline.