The Nintendo Switch 2 reveal has finally arrived, confirming the next generation system from the multinational video game company. It seems like the name will be the “Switch 2”, which rumors confirmed leading up to its reveal. Furthermore, Nintendo announced an upcoming direct to reveal more information about the system and its games. Without further ado, let's take a look.

Nintendo Switch 2 Revealed, New Direct On the Way

Nintendo has revealed their next-generation system, the Nintendo Switch 2, on January 16th, 2025. This new system is set to launch in 2025, with no official release date yet. Furthermore, the company plans to reveal more information about the console in an upcoming direct. The Nintendo Switch 2 Direct releases on April 2nd, 2025.

In terms of design, the Switch 2 shares many similarities to its predecessor. However, there are a few notable changes, at least in terms of design and appearance. For one, the system is slightly larger, but still small enough to carry around on-the-go. It also seems to have a much better adjustable stand, which should make setting up your system easier.

The Joy-cons also seem relatively untouched in terms of design, but seem to connect differently with the system now. Instead of sliding it into the switch, you can just clip the joy-cons on, which seems much easier. There's also a controller grip, which enables you to connect your joy-cons together into one controller.

Of course, the Switch 2 comes with a Dock, which you can use to charge the device, and play it on your TV. Remaining faithful to the name “Switch” this new system allows you to play both on the go and at home on your TV.

At the time of writing, no games have been revealed. There's a sea of rumors out there indicating a new Mario Kart Game will launch with the system. The trailer does show Mario Kart footage, but we don't know anything beyond that. However, we're sure to receive more answers this February.

While the Switch 2 does not have a confirmed release date, it's reasonable to expect a launch near the end of the year. It'll make a perfect Christmas Gift for parents looking for ideas on what to get.

Overall, that's everything we know about the Nintendo Switch 2 Reveal so far. We look forward to hearing more during the Direct this February. In the meantime, we wonder what lineup of games Nintendo has planned for the launch of the system.

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