As New Japan Pro Wrestling gears up for a massive show in Ontario, California, Resurgence, the promotion decided to send out one of its most, um, loud charismatic talkers, Gabe Kidd, on the promotional tour to get a few more eyes on the product and a few more butts in the seats of the Toyota Arena.

Now, for the most part, this went about as well as most fans expected, with Kidd making headlines for calling WWE theater and AEW a place for fat nerds who can't talk to girls, his words, not mine, but hidden in all of the weatherman intimidation was a very interesting comment to none other than Sean Ross Sapp of Fightful regarding Bullet Club Gold and their leader, Jay White. While both versions of the Club, the one in AEW and the OGs in NJPW, have co-existed so far, Kidd warns that he might have to have a word with the “Switchblade” in the not-too-distant future, and by a word, he means a swift slap to the face.

“Give it a rest, mate. You've had your time now piss off and try something new. This Bullet Club is the best Bullet Club has ever been. Bullet Club Gold: Fake. Fake. It's not real. How is that real? Where did the Bullet Club start?” Gabe Kidd asked Fightful. “The real Bullet Club is in Japan. Don't tell me that just because Jay White was the leader before…what happened to Jay White? Got kicked out twice. Got kicked out twice by a man who didn't even work here. He got kicked out of America by Eddie Kingston and he doesn't even work here. How are you going to tell me he has a version of Bullet Club? His time is done now. It's our time now. Everyone out there, your time is finished. All these 40 year olds trying to have main event careers. Ya mad? I'm 27, peak of my life, I will destroy every single one of you. You crazy? You mad? I'll slap up Jay White any day of the week. Any day of the week.”

Whoa, very interesting words for the “Young Bull” of the Bullet Club War Dogs, especially considering Forbidden Door is right around the corner. Could AEW and NJPW push some sort of a Bullet Club invasion 2.0 where members of the group show up in Tony Khan's company, much like how The Elite worked their angle in Ring of Honor around All In? Intriguing stuff, intriguing stuff all around.

Rocky Romero hits at major changes to Forbidden Door 2024.

Speaking of Forbidden Door, one of the men most responsible for putting the event together, Rockey Romero, sat down for his own interview with Fightful to discuss all things wrestling and let it be known that not only will Stardom be participating in the event, but fans might just see members of CMLL work the event too.

“I think the Forbidden Door concept embodies that. It means anybody from anywhere can show up. It will always stay as an AEW and New Japan official promoted show, both companies together,” Rocky Romero told Fightful. “Using those resources and their connections, bringing in other promotion like STARDOM. STARDOM will definitely be part of Forbidden Door this year. It's very likely CMLL will have participation in Forbidden Door, and then, who knows. The sky is the limit.”

Romero then discussed how the event came into being, recalling that when Kenta first showed up on AEW television, it genuinely was a massive thing, considering how AEW employed performers like Chris Jericho, Jon Moxley, and Kenny Omega, who had important career moments in the promotion.

“For sure, that's why it's called the Forbidden Door. In the early days of AEW, there was some stuff that needed to be hashed out between both companies,” Romero recalled. “Jericho was influential in kind of getting that started. Mox came in and did the same thing as Jericho. Kenny Omega was another person that had a lot to say in helping the relationship. When Tony and I finally sat down and we talked and cleared the air, I went back to New Japan and told them about our meeting. The doors were open, and the Forbidden Door concept started.”

Will Forbidden Door feature dream matches like Bullet Club WarDogs versus Bullet Club Gold or even a reunion of Los Ingobernables with Rush and Tetsuya Naito tagging against a team like the Young Bucks? Needless to say, the most exciting Pay-Per-View of the year has the potential to be even more so with additional promotions factored into the event.