Today, October 4, 2022, marked the release of Overwatch 2, one of the most anticipated games to come out this year. However, Overwatch 2's launch was anything but smooth. Long player queues and DDOS attacks are just some of the issues that Overwatch 2 is experiencing right now. Keep reading to learn more.

Overwatch 2 was released just a few hours ago as of the writing of this article. Many players scrambled to play the game, excited to try out the game, as well as the new heroes. I myself am one of those excited players, as Kiriko's release had me hyped during the days leading to release. However, instead of meeting the new heroes and game, players instead got to meet long player queues, and the inability to connect to the servers.

Mike Ybarra, Blizzard Entertainment's president, tweeted an hour after launch that the teams were working hard on the server issues Overwatch 2 was experiencing upon release. Thirty minutes later, he tweeted a follow-up tweet. In it, he stated that the Overwatch 2 servers were “experiencing a mass DDoS attack”. For those not in the know, DDoS stands for Distributed Denial-of-Service. DDoS attacks occur when requests overload servers, preventing them from operating properly. Think of it as a bunch of people standing in front of a door, preventing others from passing through. This DDoS attack has prevented players from connecting to matches, or even logging in to the game.

This leads to the second problem players face right now: long log-in queue times. When I tried logging in to Overwatch 2 this morning, I was 10,000th in line. That's not even the worst case. Some queue numbers reached up to 40,000! This can be seen as a good and bad thing. Good, because it shows just how may people are looking forward to trying out the game. Bad, because this long queue time is most likely a result of the DDoS attack preventing players from outright logging into the game.

As of the writing of this article, there has been no update regarding the server's status and its fight against the DDoS attack. What we do know is that if you do want to play Overwatch 2, you will have to wait a long time before even reaching the lobby screen.

Overwatch 2 is available now on  PlaystationXboxNintendo Switch, and PC. If you want to read our other Overwatch 2 articles, head on over here.