Looks like New England Patriots running back James White is putting his two cents in on everything going on with the Jacob Blake shooting.

Speaking after practice today, White focused on making people think about if it was one of their family members or someone they knew.

“It doesn't have to be just myself,” White said. “Just seeing these incidents going on, knowing that could be my brother, that could be my dad, that could be my cousin, that could be one of my best friends. It just hurts. Every time I see these situations, I think what if that's someone I truly care about. It hurts, man. You don't ever want to see anybody have to deal with these situations. It's just not right. We have to be better, we have to do better as people. People have to change their actions, change their hearts, just find a way to make better judgement.”

As NFL Network's Michael Giardi mentions on Twitter, this is a message everyone, no matter what your political views are, should be able to get behind. Unfortunately, however, the comments do not express that. These comments show that the work to get equality will be a hard one, with many still not getting it and deflecting the message to things that are irrelevant to the primary message of the movement and the issue at hand.

In spite of the work that will be required to make true equality a thing, however, it seems as though the NFL, along with the NBA and all other sports organizations, have many players who are up for the challenge. Together, hopefully, we can create a world where Martin Luther King Jr's words truly resonate, “That we are judged not by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character.”