The New England Patriots are the team to beat in the NFL. They still look formidable despite the loss of key running back James White. However, he won’t be sitting out of Week 3 due to injury.

Adam Schefter updated Patriots fans about the reason why he won’t be suiting up for the Pats, and it’s quite a formidable opponent that the Patriots cannot gameplan for: pregnant significant others.

White is not the only Patriot who had to sit out because of their significant other gave birth to their children. Earlier in the season, linebacker Kyle Van Noy also had to sit out.

For a New England fan, only having to worry about players leaving due to their significant others is a good thing. Fans of other teams have to concern themselves with injuries to important quarterbacks as Steelers and Saints fans can attest. There are also fans like those in Miami, who will have to endure seeing a shambolic performance from their team through 16 weeks of football.

They will definitely miss the running back’s production as it provides them variety on offense. In the two games he played, he notched 36 rushing yards, 75 receiving yards, and a receiving TD.

However, it’s not like his loss will have a huge effect on the deadly efficiency of the Patriots offense. They have a lot of incredible players on their payroll. Teams would be willing to give up a lot to get a receiving corps that looks like theirs.

Moreover, they have arguably the best quarterback in history. It’s hard not to see the Patriots as favorites ahead of their game against the New York Jets as long as Tom Brady is holding the football from the pocket.

With the quality of players on his team, White can happily take his leave and focus on welcoming his new child into the world.