Rumors float around about Astralis' LEC 2023 roster, ahead of its first split. The organization finished second to last in the previous season, so will these changes help them achieve a better result?

Astralis LoL LEC 2023 Roster

Top Lane

As reported by multiple sources (Mysticlxl, Alejandro Gomis), Finn “Finn” Wiestål has achieved a verbal agreement with the organization. The Swedish toplaner will be coming from fellow LEC team Excel, which was the first team he joined upon his return from CLG in the LCS.

Finn will be replacing Tamás “Vizicsacsi” Kiss as Astralis' top laner. Vizicsacsi's next destination has not yet been revealed.


Turkish jungler Doğukan “113” Balcı will be joining in from the French league. He was the jungler of Karmine Corp in 2022, and he and his squad reached 3rd in Spring and a 6th finish in Summer. This is his first time playing for a major regional team.

113 will be filling in for Andrei “Xerxe” Dragomir, who seems to have reached an agreement with Excel Esports.

Mid Lane

Oliver “Dajor” Ryppa seems to be keeping his post as the mid laner for Astralis. His contract with the organization isn't set to end until November 2023, so we'll get to see more of the German mid laner. He began playing for the team in 2021 and is one of the longer staying members of the team.

Bot Lane

According to a report late last month, Kasper “Kobbe” Kobberup will also be staying in the org. According to the official Global Contract Database, Kobbe's contract is set to end in November 2022 but both parties seem interested in extending it. He joined Astralis late 2021 and has played for the entirety of the 2022 season, like Dajor.


Lee “JeongHoon” Jeong-hoon's contract with the organization is not ending until after the 2023 season, which means the botlane duo from this year will be preserved. He joined, alongside the (rumored) now-departed Vizicsacsi and Xerxe, only in May earlier this year.

JeongHoon came in from Fredit BRION Challengers, a team in the LCK Challenger League. This was one of the bigger surprises that fans of the league received this year but his mechanical skill, especially on Pyke, was the real kicker.