Shannen Doherty talked a lot about her cancer last month.

The actress ultimately succumbed in her long battle and died on July 13 at the age of 53. THR reported that weeks before her death, she shared health updates and more on her Let’s Be Clear with Shannen Doherty podcast.

Part of the discussion was about how she felt she had “no control” over her cancer, and she felt that her “life has been unknown” for a while.

Shannen Doherty revealed details of life and cancer on the last podcast released before death

She started her podcast with, “I’m not in a very good mood.”

“It becomes very real in an incredibly different way, because I have no idea how long I’m gonna be on the chemo for,” she said later in the episode. “I have no idea if it’s gonna be, you know, three months or if it’s gonna be six months or if we’re gonna you know, if after three months, it’s not working, if we’re gonna change again. That’s not something that I can predict. It’s not something my doctors can predict. And it’s scary. Its’ like a big wake up call.”

“At the same time, I have to say, there is some positivity there, and the positive is that because my molecular structure of my cancer cells changed recently, it means there are a lot more protocols for me to try,” she added. “For the first time in a couple of months, I feel hopeful. Before, I was hopeful, but I was still getting prepared.”

Regarding her life, she said, “I feel like my life has been unknown for over a year now. Between divorce and cancer, it’s like I have no grasp on it. And I have no control…and with cancer, there really is no controlling it.”

Along with this, she expressed some difficulties with cancer that are hard to contend with.

“I don’t want to lose my hair. I don’t want to be sick. I want to be a normal person,” she continued.

“I know that my quality of life is actually being here longer,” the 90210 star stated. “My quality of life is reaching my goals and staying with my family as long as I can and really pressing the organizations that I work very closely with on a cure and research clinics…I’m not the person who likes to give up very easily. I just don’t want my sickness to last that very long.”

“And as far as health goes, you know, fingers crossed, I’m praying for the best and tell you I’m not going anywhere right now, and tell you that the new researchers that I’m involved with that are helping me cope with all of this, along with my main doctor, I really believe in,” she said. “I have a lot of faith.”

As we wrote, Shannen Doherty has received a flood of tributes from fellow actors and fans since her passing. RIP.