It has been over seven years since Star Trek Beyond — the third film in the new trilogy. However, a fourth Chris Pine-led film is “still on the tracks,” according to the writer.

Lindsey Anderson Beer, who is set to write the upcoming fourth Star Trek film, spoke to Collider about her new movie, Pet Sematary: Bloodlines. When the topic of the Beyond follow-up arose, she said, “It is, it's still on the tracks. I love that project, and it was another one that I had to hop off of to direct this movie [Pet Sematary: Bloodlines], and that was a hard thing to do. But I love that everybody involved with that project.”

So it sounds like the film is still in the works. It may be a while before we see it, though, especially given the strikes. J.J. Abrams kicked off the recent Star Trek series by directing the first two films. He then handed off the reins to Justin Lin, former Fast & Furious director, and has remained a producer on each installment.

Lindsey Anderson Beer perviously wrote episodes of The Magic Order and Sierra Burgess Is a Loser. She produced both of those projects and will produce the upcoming Lord of the Flies project. Her directorial debut is Pet Sematary: Bloodlines, which is a prequel to the 2019 film. They are based on Stephen King's novel of the same name. Bloodlines will be released exclusively on Paramount+.

The recent Star Trek films with Chris Pine leading them are the three highest-grossing in the entire franchise. They have grossed over $1 billion worldwide.