Stephen A Smith for president. Apparently, this is a thing. No, we're being totally serious. The renowned ESPN broadcaster himself made this statement on a recent episode of First Take.

According to Stephen A, he would “strongly consider” running for president under the right circumstances. Here is his exact quote (h/t ClutchPoints on Twitter):

“If the American people wanted me to run for the presidency of the United States of America, I would strongly consider it,” Smith said. “And dammit, I mean it. It ain't that big of a standard. I mean, let's call it what it is. I think I got a shot. I don't know if people would vote for me, but if they convinced me that they wanted me to do it, I would strongly consider it.”

It doesn't sound like he was joking. Stephen A Smith has been known to come out with the most audacious statements every now and again, but this one has to take the cake.

Smith also tried to justify his statement by expressing his belief that the presidency currently doesn't have a very high standard, and that he believes he actually has a shot at it. Wow. Just wow.

I mean, I love Stephe A as a broadcaster and his hot takes are always entertaining (or at least most of the time), but I have to admit that this is pushing the envelope way too much. Smith is never shy to express his own self-belief and how he's one of the biggest names in sports media today — which is completely true. However, this recent claim here just goes to show how highly this man thinks of himself.