Three robots ask you to take care of some privacy problems. In this Stray Guide, we reveal all the Residential Area Camera Locations.

Stray Guides – Chapter 10 Midtown: All Camera Locations in the Residential Area

Up in Midtown, it's becoming clear that you have hope in actually reaching “The Outside.” But before you can do so, you'll have to find Clementine, who is holed up in the Residential Area. Upon entering the Residential Area, you'll find three hip robots complaining about how The Sentinels just recently installing a set of security cameras to monitor their movements. This displeases them, and they promised to give you a cassette tape if you help them get rid of the cameras. But it could be hard to locate all three security cameras, so we're here to help you find them. Once you find them, simply jump on the cameras. Once you jump off, the camera body will fall down, rendering the cameras useless.

1. Camera 1 – On the second floor, near a window with potted plants, opposite the end of stairs landing between the 1st and 2nd floor, and nearby the flight of stairs between the 2nd and 3rd floors.

2. Camera 2 – Go up the third floor, go on top of the handrails, then jump to the frame of the screens. The camera would just be below the center of the railings.

3. Camera 3 – On the 2nd floor, jump to the handrails, then jump to one of the air-conditioners installed on the wall. This camera is also where Mileo, one of the robots, is looking up to, so you could use the robots' body language as reference.

With all three cameras taken care of, head back down to claim your cassette tape. Keep it close to you for the time being, and head up to the third floor to find Clementine.

Stray is out now on PS4, PS5, and PC. The game is free as part of this month's PlayStation Plus Extra subscription service. For more Stray Guides, click here. For our Stray Review, click here.