Taylor Swift is proving to have more lasting more than many of her contemporaries. From hit singles to an expanding portfolio, it’s why this post is dedicated to Taylor Swift’s net worth in 2021. We’re also going to look at Taylor Swift’s age, as the two are somewhat connected.
Taylor Swift’s Net Worth In 2021 (estimate): $400 million
According to numerous viable outlets, as well as her current deals and sponsors, Taylor Swift’s net-worth in 2021 $400. is It’s worth noting a lot of this is fluid. Also, that many of the numbers, data, and information acquired isn’t only directly connected to what she’s made during his music career, as Swift is doing a remarkable job outside of the music industry as well.
It’s actually somewhat surprising number, as going into research, we assume the number would honestly be closer to a billion dollars. Why is that? Tickle me glad you asked. Swift’s Reputation Stadium Tour, by itself, generated over $250 million. Moreover, now 30-years-old, Taylor Swift is actually 15 years into her earning career, as she began releasing music when she was only 15.
That said, money generated by one’s drawing power doesn’t only go to the person most responsible for it. For something as successful as her Reputation Stadium Tour, agents, roadies, band mates, and so many others need to get a cut of that fiscal pie. Plus, you know, taxes.
Taxes are evil!
Taylor Swift’s Age: 31-years-old
At the time of this writing, Taylor Swift’s age is 31-years-old. Age, at least more often than not, has nothing to do with how much money as person is worth. An example of this is often professional athletes. Take any NBA rookie drafted in the lottery and you’ll notice a millionaire overnight. The same does not as often apply to musicians, and is especially not true for those working “regular” blue and white collar jobs.
This is obviously — at least somewhat — connected to Taylor Swift’s net-worth in 2021. The younger an icon is, the more time she’ll have to accumulate more loot.
Still, given how young Taylor Swift began her career, it is certainly helping in not only her career earnings, but with how she’s expanding her portfolio outside of the industry she’s best known for. After all, there’s a reason people prefer life experience over age, as the latter doesn’t inherently equate to knowledge while the former should.
Swift owns more than $81 million worth of real estate across the United States. To be slightly more accurate, that’s seven properties sprawling across four states.
Here’s a nifty graphic (H/T Trulia) showcasing how this talented musician is making her mark in real estate:
As it always is, she’s only likely to expand in this area as she becomes more successful and gains increased experience dealing with real estate.
It will certainly help her that she’s got as loyal a fanbase as one could possibly hope to have. Dubbed as Swifties, Taylor Swift is now — thanks to removing herself from nefarious industry people — in complete control of her in-industry destiny. She’s going to own her own tracks moving forward, which might not sound like a huge deal, but could result in sizable royalty checks down the road.
Way back in August of 2019, Swift flatly informed CBS News that she intended to re-record some, if not all, of her Big Machine LPs. “It’s something I’m really excited about doing, because my contract says that starting November 2020, I can record albums one through five all over again,” she said. In a follow-up tweet that caused on November 14th (2019), Swift reiterated her plan. She claimed that re-recording her hits next year was something “I’m legally allowed to do and looking forward to.”
It’s not yet fully known if she has (or is working on) the re-recording of her own masters. If this is a thing that truly comes to fruition, especially given her die-hard fanbase, don’t be shocked if rereleased music under her ownership does as well, if not better, than how each LP did when first sold to the public.
Hell has no fury like a fanbase scorned. And, honestly, regardless of how you feel about Taylor Swift herself or her music, the actual talent responsible for all the money being made should get their just due at the end of the day. This would be, in theory, a win for creatives around the world if Swift ends up on top of this debacle.
Until we know for sure, Swift will continue building her legacy in and out of the industry, starring in shows and film, even covering magazines with some of the greatest musicians of all-time.
Nevertheless, are you at all stunned by Taylor Swift’s Net Worth in 2021? How about Taylor Swift’s age? The two — again — are not inherently connected, but it remains interesting to see how quickly she’s gaining her wealth. Moreover, and as importantly, how smart she’s been while doing so.