The Splash Brothers have been known to be the elite shooting duo of the NBA. Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson may have insanely good shooting chops. But, their styles of play cannot be more different from one another. While the off-ball movement is essential to how they play their game, it is what they do to the ball once they catch it that differs. Curry tries to attract more defenders and get in a triple-threat position to make plays. While Klay will release the ball without having to think about the coverage a lot. The Golden State Warriors duo may have different ways of practicing too and it was unveiled on Paul George's Podcast P show.

Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson have been playing in the NBA for a long time. It is no surprise that they work out in the offseason together. However, what caught the attention of the Warriors' shooting guard was how the training went. He unveiled his true feelings on how it went on the Podcast P show with Paul George.

“I can hang especially with the shooting portion but once he this ball-handling with the tennis ball he's go these lights, all this crazy globetrotter jester stuff he's doing,” Thompson said about the intense training regimen.

“I was training with him last week, He juggles the ball and goes behind his back and I'm like bro, I just need 1-2 dribbles to get to my spot,” he added about the contrast in their styles of play.

Klay also added that he might be doing the same next season per Steve Kerr's instructions.

“At least three. tween, tween, behind the back. Then you'll hear Steve like ‘move the ball!” he unveiled.

Will it pan out well for Klay?