Famous Genshin Impact leaker Lumie released beta footage of the upcoming playable character, Yaoyao. Now, Lumie released more footage about two upcoming characters in the upcoming 1.5 Update. Currently, the Chinese Private Beta Test for Genshin Impact 1.5 officially kicked off. Subsequently, bits and pieces of information will always leak through the cracks. Here’s all we know about the two upcoming characters Yanfei and Eula.


The flame-wielding spellcaster Yanfei is expected to come into the game with the 1.5 Update. Fans continue to speculate on possible information about the new character but there are few confirmed details at this point.

Lumie’s leak on Yanfei includes a short excerpt about her background. Yanfei allegedly works as a legal advisor in Liyue Harbor with the blood of an “illuminated beast” running through her veins. miHoYo did not specify just what impact this new character will have on the overall lore of Genshin Impact. There may be few details on Yanfei available but that doesn’t stop players everywhere planning how to include her in their team.


Immediately following Yanfei’s assets, Lumie posted a similar announcement regarding another incoming character. Eula allegedly enters Genshin 1.5 wielding both ice and claymore weapons. Eula’s basic auto-attack generally works the same as every other Claymore character in the game. The Eula leak somehow contained more information about the new character compared to Yanfei. The Yanfei leak offered no other info other than her element and weapon.  Of course, players will have to wait for the official miHoYo patch notes to know how both of these new characters work.

Recently, miHoYo promised its players that it will look into improving account security. The Genshin developers began working on better security after several players reported cases of their accounts getting hacked. Hopefully, miHoYo fixes the state of Genshin Impact before Eula and Yanfei officially arrive.