Sorry, Yellowjackets fans, but you’ll wait a while for season 3.

Deadline has reported that the next season will not be premiering until 2025. Most of this is due to the last year’s strikes, which delayed production.

The last time a new episode aired was season 2’s finale on May 28, 2023.

However, just because it’s delayed doesn’t mean we can’t glimpse what’s to come.

Possibilities of what to expect in the new Yellowjackets season 3

One thing we know is — spoiler alert — Juliette Lewis will not return since her character, Natalie, died in the last season.

In a recent interview during the Primetime Emmy Awards, ET talked to some cast members about what’s to come, and it sounds like we’re in for a treat.

“I’m gonna put it out there that season 1 is chaotic and messy, season 2 is like still cold and dark, and it was winter, and then this one was the meltdown,” Samantha Hanratty, who plays young Misty, said. “You’re going to see the melting of like what these people are and really get to see like the broness of these girls.”

Steven Krueger, Coach Ben, added, “I think season 3 will probably be the wildest, bloodiest season that we have. Granted, we don’t know anything to be fair. I’m just guessing that’s where it’s going.”

“I feel like we’re going downhill for the characters,” Courtney Eaton, who is Lottie as a teenager, said. “I don’t think there’s much light or happiness going on.”

With such excitement about what to expect in the new Yellowjackets, it will be hard to survive a year until we get to watch.