More than 20 years after Run-DMC’s Jam Master Jay’s murder, a guilty verdict has been reached in the case.

Two men have been accused of murdering Jason “Jay” Mizell while he was in his recording studio on October 30, 2002, PEOPLE reports. Rolling Stones broke the story.

Defendants in Jam Master Jay’s murder trial

One of the defendants, Karl Jordan Jr., was Mizell’s godson. He and his childhood friend, Ronald Washington, both pleaded not guilty.

Apparently, the whole incident happened over a drug deal that went south.

Neither defendant testified during the trial. It took jurors nearly a week to decide once the prosecution and defense teams made their closing arguments.

Both face at least 20 years in prison. Sentencing is set for a later date.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Artie McConnell said, “20 years is a long time to wait for justice. Don’t let this go on for another minute.”

Both defendants were arrested in August of 202o. Prosecutors accused them of a plot to murder Jam Master Jay after Washington was taken out of a drug deal.

From there, the trial began this year in January.

The hip-hop legend was 37 when he was shot in the head. He was playing video games at the time in his studio in Queens. There were also other people in the studio at the time, including Mizell’s friend, Uriel “Tony” Rincon, who was wounded after being hit with a bullet. Also, JMJ Records employee Lydia High was there.

Jam Master Jay helped develop the success of Run-DMC. He’s known as one of the genre’s pioneers as the group went mainstream in the ’80s.

Hopefully, justice can finally be served in this long-overdue prosecution.