Andrew Garfield and Cynthia Erivo are lending their voices for Audible's audio adaptation of George Orwell's 1949 novel 1984, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Garfield will be playing Winston and Erivo, Julia. Joining them are Andrew Scott as O'Brien and Tom Hardy as Big Brother. Muse frontman Matthew Bellamy and composer Ilan Eshkeri will write an original score for the audio adaptation. The score will be performed at the iconic Abbey Road studio by a 60-piece orchestra.

Garfield recently dropped out of playing Frankenstein's monster in Guillermo del Toro's upcoming Netflix movie due to scheduling conflicts. Erivo's upcoming project is playing Elphaba in the much-anticipated musical film adaptation of Wicked.

The audio adaptation will be directed by The End of the F***ing World's Destiny Ekaragha. Audible described the adaptation as “faithful” to the original text, all the while focusing on the romance between Winston and Julia. The project has been authorized and endorsed by the Orwell Estate.

Spider-Man and Elphaba fall in love in 1984

The 1949 novel follows the story of mid-level worker Winston, who works at the Ministry of Truth. Winston secretly hates the Party and dreams of rebellion. He lives in a dystopian world where much of it is in constant war. Great Britain has been renamed Air Strip One and is now a province of Oceania.

The superstate is led by Big Brother, a dictator who has a cult of personality supported the by Party's Thought Police. The Party conducts an all-pervasive surveillance. The Ministry of Truth aids in this by engaging in historical denial and propaganda to inhibit individual thinking.

Winston begins a relationship with his co-worker Julia. They fall in love and bond over their desire to change their world. They then learn about the Brotherhood, a mysterious resistance group. As they begin to plot, they realize that Big Brother is always watching.

The audio drama is scheduled to be released worldwide 40 years after Winston's first diary entry in the novel, April 4.

Romesh Ranganathan (Parsons), Natasia Demetriou (Mrs. Parsons), Chukwudi Iwuji (Charrington), Francesca Mills (Syme), Katie Leung (Ling) and Alex Lawther (Ampleforth) are also in the cast, together with an ensemble.

Audible's head of regional content, Europe Aurelie de Troyer said, “This is 1984 like you’ve never heard it before. We’ve assembled a top team of creatives across the board, and the combination of the principal cast and Matt and Ilan’s epic soundtrack is something quite extraordinary. Andrew Garfield was born to play Winston – just wait until you hear his performance.”

Audible's Originals division also has development deals in place with James Patterson, Kerry Washington's Simpson Street Productions, George Clooney's Smokehouse Pictures and Issa Rae's Raedio.