Assassin’s Creed Mirage contains a lot of outfits and costumes for Basim to put on. Unlike in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla where you could put on separate pieces of a whole set and mix and match armor pieces, Mirage returns to the clothing system of previous games in the franchise and condenses each option to one outfit slot. While the costumes may be purely cosmetic, the outfits bring different upgradable perks that can help the player out in a pinch or make a certain playstyle easier to do. Seeing as you can only put on one set of Assassin’s robes at a time, which option is the best one for you? Well here is a quick guide through all the sets as well as a ranking for each of them.

9 – 7: Tier 3 Outfits

9. Abbasid Knight Outfit

Ability: Lick Your Wounds – Basim regenerates health every 2 seconds while unseen, up to 50% maximum health

  • Level 1: 1% hp
  • Level 2: 2% hp
  • Level 3: 3% hp

Use: I mean come on, the Abbasid Knight Outfit is probably the worst in the game and it’s not even close. The health regeneration is abysmal, takes forever, and is probably not worth using. The regeneration also only takes effect when out of combat and unseen which means Basim is probably already tucked away in a corner away from danger. It is only marginally useful after running away from a difficult fight trying to avoid more enemies but at that point, it’s probably easier just to wait out their search and then leave looking for better ways to heal up.

8. Zanj Uprising Outfit

Ability: Infamous – Reduces the impact of illegal actions on Basim’s notoriety.

  • Level 1: 20%
  • Level 2: 30%
  • Level 3: 40%

Use: The Zanj Uprising Outfit is good in theory but in practice, it can be pretty underwhelming. At level 1, the 20% reduction is nearly unnoticeable but at level 3, you will be able to notice the difference. The problem is just how easy it is to lower your notoriety level, posters are very common in Baghdad and very easy to rip down. If you need notoriety down quick then a Munadi is your man and power tokens are not very rare. At maximum notoriety, those Shakiriyya guards can be an absolute pain to deal with but unless you plan on assassinating every guard you see on the street, you won’t need to put on the Zanj Uprising Outfit very often.

7. Jinn Outfit (Acquired by Purchasing in the Animus Store)

Ability: Lasting Curse – Afflictions applied to enemies last 100% longer.

Use: The Jinn outfit, much like the rest of the Jinn set, is very good at capitalizing on the playstyle it was designed for but unfortunately, it does not succeed at much else.  Tools are a very important part of the Assassin’s Creed Mirage gameplay loop but they become a near necessity in order to make use of the Jinn outfit. It is good in tandem with other items but its lack of independence is what garners the lower ranking.

6 – 4: Tier 2 Outfits

6. Fire Demon Outfit (Acquired by Purchasing in the Animus Store)

Ability: Incinerate – Sets the target on fire after a successful assassination and burns the body away after a short delay.

Use: Assassin’s Creed Mirage is finally back to being focused on stealth and assassinations, that being said an outfit that helps hide away the bodies of those you’ve killed can be pretty damn useful. While it is pretty good, it also removed the potential of using bodies as bait or as a trap. As much of a convenience as the Fire Demon Outfit can bring, it does take away from the potential creativity and that will garner a couple of demerits in this ranking.

5. Sand Outfit (Acquired by Purchasing the Deluxe Pack)

Ability: Second Chance – Once during a conflict, Basim can survive a lethal hit and slow down time for a few seconds.

  • Level 1: 3 seconds
  • Level 2: 4 seconds
  • Level 3: 5 seconds

Use: The outfit for the Prince of Persia set is a literal lifesaver but being able to survive one hit per fight is not really that great. The one factor of this outfit that keeps it out of Tier 3 is its ability to pair with the Sand Sword. Killing is extremely easy when time is slowed and using that time to heal is when the Sand Outfit really makes itself useful.

4. Milad’s Outfit

Ability: Forgotten Terror – Successful Air Assassinations set off a flash of lightning to disorient bystanders within a 15m radius

Use: To be completely honest, this outfit’s use is pretty situational, but it looks really cool. In actuality, the use case for Milad’s Outfit is not as rare as you would think, plus air assassinations are not that hard to do when you are specifically trying to do them. The biggest issue with this outfit is that to use it well, that means a hand-to-hand fight will most likely follow and that is not always so easy in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. It is still a very good opening tool when entering into a combat scenario and worth leveling up.

3 – 1: Tier 1 Outfits

3. Hidden One Outfit

Ability: Deadly Moment – Focus Chunks fill an additional percentage when performing Stealth kills

  • Level 1: 5%
  • Level 2: 10%
  • Level 3: 15%

Use: The Hidden One Outfit was actually quite close to making it to tier 1, the focused assassination is a very powerful tool and can clear out rooms in an instant. That usually means anything that helps that will be a big boon. Well, while the Hidden One Outfit is still helpful, the percentage boost is not that much and you gain focus quickly enough through assassinations normally. The perk is still very useful when faced with a lot of enemies where that boost can rack up really quickly though so this outfit is definitely still worth leveling up.

2. Initiate of Alamut Outfit

Perk: Silent Blade – Enemies hear less noise emitted by Basim during assassinations

  • Level 1: 50%
  • Level 2: 75%
  • Level 3: 100%

Use: The Initiate of Alamut Outfit is probably the best in the game. Aside from being incredibly stylish, the outfit can make Basim silent even while assassinating an enemy that is close to another. It sounds pretty situational but you will immediately be able to tell the difference when having to clear out camps of enemies quietly. Especially in a game that focuses quite heavily on its stealth elements, being able to take down enemies quickly and quietly will never be a bad thing.

1. Rostam Outfit

Ability: Sound of Silence – Enemies hear less noise emitted by Basim while moving

  • Level 1: 50%
  • Level 2: 75%
  • Level 3: 100%

Use: The Rostam Outfit is another one that assists you in being very stealthy. When fully upgraded, the outfit can make Basim silent even while full-on sprinting. This opens you up to all sorts of new stealth options now that Basim can run around enemy encampments assassinating everyone along the way. The Rostam Outfit is not that useful at the early levels however, since Basim is already silent when crouching it only really becomes useful when fully upgraded.

The outfits are probably the least balanced customization option in Assassin’s Creed Mirage but even then, most outfits in the game have situations where they are useful. Now that Assassin’s Creed Mirage has brought back the old outfit system instead of the mix-and-match system of Valhalla, do you prefer this style better?

If you want to see our guide and tier list for the other customization options in Assassin’s Creed Mirage, here is our guide for Swords and Daggers. Stick with us here in ClutchPoints for more on the latest entry into the Assassin’s Creed franchise and for more news and updates on all things gaming, stick with ClutchPoints Gaming.