Damian Lillard is the epitome of loyalty in the NBA. The six-time All-Star has spent his entire career with the Portland Trail Blazers, and just recently he signed another big-money extension that will keep him in Portland through 2027. At this point, it's hard to imagine Lillard leaving the Blazers at any point in his career.

Be that as it may, Lillard himself admitted that he has entertained the thought of jumping ship. According to the six-time All-Star, he considered leaving Portland last summer after they were defeated by the Denver Nuggets in the first round of the playoffs.

Shocking as this may be, the fact that Lillard opted to stay in Portland is another testament to his loyalty to the team and the city. So much so, that Dame decided to throw a bit of shade on his fellow NBA stars with regard to the lack of loyalty in the league today:

“Something that’s missing in our league, the passion, the pride, not just for the name on the back but the name on the front,” Lillard said, via Chris Mannix of SI.

He's not wrong. Loyalty isn't exactly commonplace in the NBA today, with superstars jumping from team to team every summer. Then again, there is still a handful of those who remain with the teams that drafted them from Day 1. Lillard is one of them, and he certainly has every right to speak this way when it comes to loyalty. Whoever gets offended by Damian Lillard's subtle callout here is obviously guilty of this exact same criticism.