Britney Spears is facing a difficult period following her husband Sam Asghari's decision to file for divorce. Sam was Britney's main supporter during her conservatorship trials. Now, the two are heading for divorce.

Close sources reveal that he is no longer part of Britney's life and already moved into his own place before officially filing for divorce. Making things worse, Sam Asghari seems to be playing hardball with the ‘prenup conditions.' as well. It's reported that he'll spill embarrassing secrets about Britney Spears if she doesn't cough up more money than they initially agreed upon.

Now, reports say she's also dealing with a lack of support system during this tough time.

Britney's relationship with her family took a downturn after the conservatorship trial. After a seemingly positive visit from her mother, Lynne, their relationship soured again. The two are also no longer communicating with each other.

Earlier this year, she briefly reconciled with Jamie Lynn. But Britney Spears has once again, lost touch with her siblings and father. Her friends are noticeably absent. Her children moved to Hawaii without saying goodbye, leaving her without communication for a long time. And her previous support network, which included doctors and specialists to manage her daily life, is no longer with her.

As of the moment, her sole confidant is her manager, Cade Hudson, along with her security team.

It's also uncertain who will step in to assist Britney, as she appears unable to manage things on her own.

Despite these challenges, Britney Spears is still set to release her upcoming book in October, without details of the divorce drama.