Chris Hemsworth admitted it wasn't always smooth sailing filming Extraction 2. While performing stunts for the role, he suffered a few injuries in the action packed sequel, per People.

He admitted that stunts didn't always go as planned, and he's got the scars to prove it. “Oh, yeah, yeah. Lots of bumps and scrapes and all that,” he said.

Despite the injuries, Hemsworth admitted he was excited to take on the tricky stunts—some of which include being lit on fire and landing a helicopter on a moving train. “Initially when [director] Sam [Hargrave] pitched it to me, I was kind of shaking my head going, ‘Hang on, hang on, how is this even possible?’ And then the excitement kicks in.”

“On the day it's like being a kid, it's like being involved in the most crazy sporting experience you've ever been a part of,” he added.

Speaking of children, Hemsworth shared his own kids came to the set, and they even wanted to be involved. “My kids were there on set a lot to see this stuff and they wanted to jump in front of the camera and participate,” he said.

During an interview with Good Morning America, Hemsworth revealed that a 21 minute fight scene took six weeks to film. And it wasn't easy. They would “shoot for 14 hours a day” and that entailed “stunt rehearsal after stunt rehearsal.”

“It was by far the most exhausting, physically draining taxing experience I have ever had,” he said.

See Chris Hemsworth in Extraction 2, streaming Friday on Netflix.