It's no secret that esports professionals burn through endless hours of training and practice to reach the peak of their respective titles. Players are almost always under constant pressure to improve their game and outlast the competition. It's no easy feat claiming a world championship in any title, so it's easy to understand why players would want to let loose after any big win.

DAMWON Gaming was recently crowned as the League of Legends world champions this past weekend. The South Korean squad conquered all competing teams in the historic tenth world championship held in Shanghai, China. DWG beat out China's Suning in a 3-1 grand finals victory to close out the tournament. They bring home the coveted Summoner's Cup trophy as well as a handsome cash prize. This is why it's unsurprising when we heard of one DAMWON player electing to celebrate his world championship win in true gamer fashion.

Cho “BeryL” Geon-hee, the star support of DAMWON, allegedly spent around $6850 (~7.7million Korean Won) on the hit RPG game, Genshin Impact on the night his team won the world championship. Genshin Impact is a free-to-play action role-playing game that released earlier this year. The game features a random loot box mechanic whereby players can choose to spend real money in order to get new characters and weapons. Genshin Impact brought in around $245 million in microtransaction spending during its first month on mobile.

We may never know if BeryL indeed splurged his heart out on Genshin Impact. Here's hoping that he didn't end up with only weapons.