Once trapped in the Labyrinth to battle wary heroes traversing Aghanim’s realm, this mighty creature now steps into the arena of Dota 2. Dota 7.31 debuts new hero Primal Beast, and he is ready to stomp unsuspecting foes and trample them straight towards their fountain. Unlike other MOBAs, Valve (the developers of Dota 2) only releases new heroes seldomly, which makes his arrival big news for all Dota 2 fans, and MOBA fans alike. This article will be a quick rundown for the Primal Beast, including some statistics and tips on how to start dominating with this hero.

Primal Beast Overview and Abilities

Primal Beast is a melee Strength hero, whose role is to cause chaos in teamfights with its strong AoE abilities. He possesses high base health, massive strength scaling, but relatively low stats everywhere else. This suggests that he is extremely durable throughout the course of the game, but has issues with armor and mana regen early game. 

Q – Onslaught 

Primal Beast charges up and then runs in the chosen direction, knocking back enemies and allies alike. Enemy units are damaged and stunned on impact. The longer the charge duration, the farther Primal Beast's momentum will carry him.

His Q ability is Onslaught. After channeling for a brief period of time, he charges forward and through any terrain, stunning any enemy within his path. 

The ability has a very long range and high damage, and can be used to gank enemy lanes straight from the fog of war.
Tip: You can use his W ability, Trample, in conjunction with his Q, to deal a lot of AoE damage throughout his charge.

W – Trample

Primal Beast charges up and then runs in the chosen direction, knocking back enemies and allies alike. Enemy units are damaged and stunned on impact. The longer the charge duration, the farther Primal Beast's momentum will carry him.

His W ability is Trample. When activated, the hero gets disarmed, but deals AoE damage around him for every amount of distance he traveled. This ability scales off of his base damage, which makes it powerful in the late game with its massive STR scaling. 

E – Uproar

The Beast's temper passively provides base bonus damage. Additionally, for every instance of 35.0 damage or more Primal Beast takes from enemy heroes, he accumulates stacks of Uproar. When activated, Primal Beast releases a roar that slows surrounding enemies and grants the Beast additional attack damage and armor for 7.0 seconds based on his current stacks of Uproar.

His E ability is Uproar. He then gains stacks of Uproar for every instance of damage he takes. Once he gains stacks, he can activate the ability to slow down nearby foes, and grants himself additional attack damage and armor based on the stacks of Uproar consumed.

Thanks to his natural durability, he can safely soak up damage in order to retaliate ferociously when the time is right.

R – Pulverize

Primal Beast channels his rage, grabbing the target enemy and slamming them into the ground repeatedly, damaging and mini-stunning any enemies caught in the AoE. Lasts 2.3 seconds.

Primal Beast’s ultimate ability is Pulverize. He targets an enemy hero, slamming them repeatedly to the ground, stunning the target and any nearby hero for every slam. The disable doesn’t last long, but it has a surprisingly short cooldown. This makes him quite formidable in extended teamfights, especially in the late game. 

Tips on how to play Primal Beast – Primal Beast Tips

Primal Beast is a flexible hero with good scaling and possesses a lot of crowd control. Because of this, he is best suited to the Offlane role, and possibly, the Soft Support role. 

This hero's objective in the offlane is to sustain in lane and farm until he gets his first core item. He has the option of buying the Armlet for team fighting, or a Blink Dagger for easier ganks and initiation.

The new hero can also be played as a soft support, similar to the likes of Earth Spirit and Earthshaker. He might have some issues with mana sustain, which makes Arcane Boots a really good pickup. After gaining a couple of levels, he can easily gank lanes with Onslaught and Trample. 

Overall, Primal Beast is a welcome addition to the ever increasing roster of heroes, and players might be delighted (or not) to see him again after his appearance in the Aghanim’s Labyrinth. He’s a fun hero to play, and whether he becomes meta or not is at the mercy of the passionate Dota 2 community.