The Gotterdammerung is the strongest weapon that you can obtain on your first run of Final Fantasy 16. It is a weapon to behold – a weapon that makes you feel more powerful on the battlefield even in the face of Eikons. However, getting the Gotterdammerung is a long process, which begs the question: Is it even worth it to go through all the hassle to craft Gotterdammerung?

About the Gotterdammerung

The Gotterdammerung is the strongest weapon in the game – with the Damage 375 and Stagger 375. It is 50 points stronger than the Ragnarok, the second strongest weapon available to you at this point in the game.

How to get the Gotterdammerung

Getting the Ragnarok, a component for the Gotterdammerung recipe, is already half of the entire work, so if you're here looking to upgrade from the Ragnarok to the most powerful weapon in the game, then the good news is you're almost there. If not, then you will have to complete the quest line “Blacksmith Blues” first before you can get the recipe for the Gotterdammerung and the Ragnarok. There are 4 Blacksmith Blues quests in total, which you can all access after Main Quest 59 “Like Father, Like Daughter.”

With the recipe and the Ragnarok, the only remaining crafting items you need are three Orichalcums, two Dark Steel, and one Primitive Battlehorn. All of these crafting materials are obtainable by defeating enemies from the Hunt Board. This means you'll have to beat a lot of strong enemies to get there, some of which are the toughest boss fights in the game and actually are even more powerful than the game's final boss.

Is it worth it to craft Gotterdammerung

Crafting the Gotterdammerung gives you the strongest weapon in the game and unlocks the achievement “Half Past Twilight,” which makes crafting the Gotterdammerung a requirement for a Completionist run. Meanwhile, by the time you've gotten the Gotterdammerung, you've already beaten the game's toughest challenges, and the final boss fight will be so much easier. Getting the game's strongest weapon is worth it because it makes beating the game's final boss more easily. You also get to keep the weapon in your New Game + run, so it's definitely worth all the hassle.

However, if you're just looking to complete the game once and letting Clive go for a while, it's fine if you don't get the Gotterdammerung. If you already have the Ragnarok, then that's strong enough for you to beat the final boss. However, if you only have the Everdark, then you should at least endeavor to get the Ragnarok before finishing the rest of the game.

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