Florence Pugh has a powerful message for those who criticize her daring fashion choices, asserting that she's unapologetic about her fashion sense and comfortable with her body, USAToday reports.

The acclaimed actress, known for her roles in films like “Midsommar” and the upcoming “Oppenheimer,” has sparked conversations with her bold fashion statements at fashion shows and red carpet events. Speaking to Elle UK in an interview with British actress Jodie Turner-Smith, Pugh addressed the backlash she received for donning a sheer, hot pink tulle Valentino dress last summer.

Pugh shared her perspective, stating, “When everything went down with the Valentino pink dress a year ago, my nipples were on display through a piece of fabric, and it really wound people up. It's the freedom that people are scared of; the fact I'm comfortable and happy. Keeping women down by commenting on their bodies has worked for a very long time.”


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Despite facing harsh comments, Pugh has firmly defended her fashion choices. “I’m not trying to hide my npples,” she declared. “If I want my cute little npples out, then that’s what’s going to happen.” She emphasized that she knowingly chose to wear the sheer dress and won't let criticism shame her or make her regret her choices.

Shifting The Paradigm

Florence Pugh believes that societal attitudes towards the human body are shifting, with people caring less about others' commentary on their bodies. She urged society to acknowledge the multifaceted nature of women's bodies beyond the sexualized lens.

Always drawn to loud, colorful, and bold clothing, Pugh's passion for daring fashion has grown in recent years. She views her fashion choices as a means of self-expression and confidence-building, allowing her to make a statement on red carpets and beyond.

In the face of criticism and support alike, Florence Pugh remains steadfast in her fashion choices, promoting body positivity and the freedom to express oneself unapologetically.