G2 top laner Sergen “BrokenBlade” Celik attended a media scrum after the 4th day of the Msi 2022 Rumble Stage. The Topfather himself answered some questions and spoke about the current 4-game losing streak that G2 is currently in.

Question: Since the opening minutes, you and Jankos seem to be dominating the top side. So where or when do you think the top side advantage was lost?

BrokenBlade: Yeah, we had a good lead in early game, I think played really well around enemy top laner having no TP, we let him bait it. And I think after we did the swap, Rumble kind of just roamed the map and he’s way better than my jungler doing that, and they played really well. Like, no matter if he was behind or not, and if he’s in the play and I’m not, then it doesn’t matter how much gold I have, right? And I think that’s how they played—the disadvantage to an advantage, if that makes sense.


Q: What do you think about the general results of MSI since they are fighting from third to fifth place, and who would you like to face in the knock-outs?

BB: I mean, it’s definitely getting really interesting. The standings are really close, and tomorrow’s going to be a banger day, even though we just lost four games. I think tomorrow is going to look a lot different. For who we want to face, I don’t think it actually matters, it just matters that we win, right? I would like to play against NA, I think it would be a funny match, a funny show-match, kind of, but in the end I don’t really care about who I play against, because in the end, we will need to win against any opponent to win the trophy.


Q: How do you see the meta evolution this stage? What aspect did the most damage to your plans for this tournament?

BB: I can’t comment too much on that, but it is just normal that people try to do strats against each team. But I think the team that adapts the best in this tournament is going to have the biggest advantage just because there’s just so few scrims we can play, because there’s so many game days that just leads to us having to adapt to certain scenarios because there can be scenarios where a champion suddenly becomes meta and we have to be able to play it no matter if you have practice on it or not, and the team that can do that is usually in a big advantage.


Q: In today’s PSG game and also T1 game, what are the most disappointing points that happened in-game, and also how are you going to prepare for the upcoming matches?

BB: In the first game, I think it was that we were not really accepting that we were just weaker at that point, and then we tried to contest objectives that we were just not winning, and the enemies got way more ahead than they should be. In the second game, I think it was more so that, I think we had, like, a pretty bad spot—which was also my bad. The game led to Aphelios coming back to the game very, very good, because he got five plates solo and on top lane, they had a good play after because of Rumble roaming, and then I think that’s where we have to take care for next time, and I’m sure that won’t happen now that it did happen these two games.


Q: Does the team struggle against PSG specifically, or were these two losses just unfortunate timing?

BB: It’s hard to say, really, because we only played them twice, and I do think they played to their strength, and I think we didn’t play up to our standards in those two games, I do think they played better in both of these games and they deserve to win those games, but if we are to play them again, I’m sure we can just win as much as they even more, because I do believe that we are a stronger team. I wouldn’t call these two games unfortunate because we just did play worse and we have to learn from them and overcome our struggles.


Q: What does G2 need to do in your opinion to get back on track for this tournament?

BB: What we need to do is just to find back our rhythm, right? We’re doing really really good prior to that, we had a really really long win streak which we obviously deserve because we did play well. We always had a good plan, we always had a good showing, we always play with confidence, and I think these couple losses might have hurt us a bit, and it will just be important to stand back up after we fell down, and after that it will be fine, you know?


Q: How was playing against Hanabi?

BB: Hanabi, I used to play against him as well a couple years ago. I don’t think he’s a bad laner at all, I think he’s actually quite decent at what he’s doing, what he’s playing. Based off the experience, I think he can play a lot of champs, I think he can play them well, he can play AD carry, he can play AP champs, he can play AD champs. I don’t know if he’s the greatest I’ve played against, there are really great top laners in this tournament, but he’s definitely up there. And it’s fun to play against him. He definitely shows good signs of a good top laner.


Q: Given the current losing streak, tomorrow’s matches are so decisive and important, so how are you going to prepare for tomorrow?

BB: We’re going to go back home and talk about the games just like we always do, keep our routine, I think that’s the most important. And don’t look back on these losses, we have to take away what we can from them, and take them with us for the upcoming games. I mean “it’s not just a race, it’s a marathon”, is how a lot of people say it, and I think it’s kind of true. We definitely have to handle those losses well because we’re also winning a lot usually. If we learn from our mistakes that we’re doing in these games, then tomorrow should be looking a lot more faithful.


Q: You started off with four wins, and it’s now on a four-match losing streak. Is there something wrong inside of G2 in real life?

BB: No, everything’s good. I think that’s just part of e-sports. You win games, you lose games, and we’re right now on the track of losing games, and it’s just up to us to step back up and take some wins. I think it’s just about enemy teams just out-performed us in those games and they deserve to win, but it’s up to us to decide if we’re going to learn from those games or not. This is the tournament where there are the best teams in the world, and they will pick up losses as good as any other team and they will learn from them, and I think it’s up to us now to learn from our losses and take them with us to win the next games.


Q: I think that G2 as a whole team, the games didn’t go that smoothly for you guys for these couple days, so could we know more about your thoughts on the whole team’s form?

BB: As I said earlier, I think it’s about adaptation, and I think the other teams have adapted and we didn’t yet. I think it’s up to us to have that phase as well—that adaptation phase. Teams keep on improving in these kind of tournaments, and it’s up to us to take what we did from the wins, maybe, I’m not really sure, but definitely we did do a lot of mistakes, that’s why we lost four games in a row, and we just have to take everything – what we did wrong, and make them right in the next games.


Q: So which part specifically do you think the whole team really need to make some improvements on in order to have a better performance in the future?

BB: I think it’s probably being more decisive, we’ve been lacking that in our games. I’m pretty sure even as a normal viewer, you can see that we didn’t do decisive calls, decisive engages. It’s also about not being scared, I think it kind of matches the being decisive. I also think we have to do better drafting; I think the drafts were not up to par, and we need to play them well as well. That’s also been lacking, and again, adaptation. When it comes to new picks that other people are playing, it’s important that we also pick them up, play them well, and execute them well. Play decisive games, play decisive League of Legends, I think that’s the most important, because I do think we have five really strong individual players. If we go in with confidence, we will usually win, so I’m not too worried.

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